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The most important guidelines for a healthy evening meal

The most important guidelines for a healthy evening meal

In the June issue of Santé you will find the ultimate checklist for healthy eating. We share the guidelines for a healthy evening meal here.

Your main course…
… consists of several products from the checklist from the article in the June issue.
… contains an average of 400-700 kcal.
… contains at least 150 grams of vegetables.
… contains a maximum of 100 grams of meat, fish and egg.
… contains a maximum of 90 grams of grain products or potatoes.
… contains a maximum of 200 grams of legumes.
… contains a maximum of 15 grams of nuts.
… contains a maximum of 15 grams of liquid margarine or oil.
… contains no more than 2 grams of salt.

Curious about the explanation of this list and the rest of the checklist for healthy eating? You can read it in the article from page 14 in the June issue of Santé.