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How bad are your bad habits?

How bad are your bad habits?

Maybe it's not that bad.

Habit 1:Don't cleanse your face before going to sleep Even if you don't wear makeup, it's better to cleanse your face before going to sleep. During the day, dirt ends up on your face unnoticed. Your skin recovers at night and it works best when your skin is clean. Sleeping with make-up can lead to skin irritations.

Habit 2:No flossing or toothpicking
You can't brush between your teeth well with your toothbrush. By flossing or firing, you reduce the risk of gum problems. Various studies have shown that healthy teeth are good for your overall health.

Habit 3:Giving up your night's rest when you're busy
While it may be tempting, it's a bad idea to sleep less when you're busy. While you sleep, your body repairs itself, so you can face it fresh the next day. In addition, enough sleep is good for your mood, it prevents you from gaining weight and it is good for your resistance.

Habit 4:Nail biting
Nail biting increases the risk of infections at the nail bed or the sheets around the nails. Nail biting can lead to warts or a fungal nail and you keep bringing bacteria from your hands into your mouth. Yet most people mainly want to stop biting their nails because they don't like gnawed nails.

Habit 5:Don't use a day cream with SPF
Even if the sun doesn't shine visibly, you should use a factor cream. Don't forget your neck and hands. You will thank yourself later.

Habit 6:Not changing your bed often enough Changing your bed is one of the most tedious chores in the house. However, it is better not to postpone it too long. Every week you lose about 14 grams of skin cells, a large part of which is in bed. In addition, your bed is a nice place for dust mites, dust mites thrive in warm, moist places. House dust mites can trigger an allergic reaction, especially in people who suffer from asthma, eczema or hay fever. What can you do to keep your bed as clean as possible?

Habit 7:Not daring to say no
It is very thoughtful that you want to help others, but sometimes you have to think about yourself. It's hard to say no, but it's important. Read our tips for saying no. Remember:when you say no to someone else, you are probably saying yes to yourself. Everyone needs time for themselves, that doesn't make you a bad mother, partner or girlfriend.

Habit 8:Eating a quick meal or eating on the couch
A fairly harmless habit, although it could make you eat too much faster. It is better to take your time before your meal and be aware of what you are eating rather than mindlessly shoving your food down. Read more about mindful eating.

What's your bad habit?