How do you prevent an ingrown toenail?
One never suffers from it, while the other has an ingrown toenail every now and then. If you have rounded nails, you are more likely to have an ingrown nail. There are a number of things you can do to prevent an ingrown toenail.
Good shoes
Wear well-fitting shoes, in which your toes have enough room and are not bothered by pressure from the shoes.
Take care of your feet and nails. Take a foot bath every now and then and keep your nails clean.
Cut nails
Cut your toenails straight. By cutting the corners, they grow into your skin more easily.
Don't wait too long
Do you feel your toenail starting to grow in? Treat your nail right away.
How to treat an ingrown toenail>>
Have you ever suffered from an ingrown toenail?