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Preventive aspirin intake not necessary

Preventive aspirin intake not necessary

Taking an aspirin daily to prevent cardiovascular disease makes little sense for healthy women. This is apparent from research by the UMC Utrecht.

Researchers from UMC Utrecht and researchers from Harvard Medical School analyzed the data from the Women's Health Study in which nearly 40,000 women aged 45 and older took aspirin or a dummy drug for ten years † In the United States, doctors are much more likely to give aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease † The Netherlands is a lot more reluctant to prescribe aspirin in healthy people.

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The positive effect of aspirin turns out to be very small for most women. In nine out of ten women, there is a risk of cardiovascular disease only decreased by one percent or less. It can only have a more favorable effect in some women over 65 years of age.

Poly Pill
These results may also be important for the so-called 'polypill' against cardiovascular disease † The idea behind this polypill is to preventively give people a daily pill containing cholesterol lowers, blood pressure lowers and aspirin † But a polypill for healthy people shouldn't have to contain aspirin, the researchers say.

The results of the study were published this month in the European Heart Journal

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