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The Seven Sins

The Seven Sins

Shockingly, many everyday things that seem "healthy" to us are not all that healthy. Take a daily shower, for example. So that's not a good idea.

Sin 1:shower every day
Do you also take a shower every morning, afternoon or evening? Try not to do that again, British doctor Nick Lowe urges us. According to him, many people wash themselves way too much. Warm water in combination with soap eventually causes dry and sometimes self-inflamed skin † It is therefore not necessary to take a shower every day. Rather go every other day † Do you find that difficult? Then try to shower with water and soap-free shower gel as cold as possible.

Sin 2:eight hours of sleep a night
Do you also get stressed when you can't sleep at least eight hours a night? Nonsense, says British professor Jim Horne. According to him, it is much better to sleep divided over the day/night † For example, a power nap of 15 minutes during the day as effective as an extra hour of sleep at night.

The perfect sleep routine according to Horne? Sleep for two hours at the beginning of the evening, then dinner and do something active, then to bed around midnight to sleep for two or three hours. Then get up again and then go to bed again for a few hours until you have slept for a total of seven hours.

A good breakfast is also important>

Sin 3:rinsing after brushing your teeth
(Almost) everyone does it. Brush your teeth and then rinse your mouth with water. Don't, says dentist Phil Stemmer. This removes the entire protective effect of the toothpaste. His advice? Brushing teeth without water – so do not put your toothbrush with toothpaste under the tap – and do not rinse afterwards. Then wait at least half an hour before eating and drinking.

Sin 4:the 'modern' toilet
"Modern toilets are bad for us," said a group of Israeli researchers. Squat instead of sitting on a toilet seems to be much better. This is more natural and better for our digestion † Moreover, the 'modern' toilet gives us hemorrhoids faster, which would not be the case with squatting. Something about putting too much pressure on… Not a fan of squatting over the toilet? Then put something under your feet, which will give you that squat position.

Sin 5:household chores
A sin we like to throw overboard:housework † American scientists claim that this causes a increased blood pressure to get. This is because most people get very stressed when they think about shopping, cooking and cleaning. High blood pressure is not caused by the work itself, but by worrying about it. In addition, too much exposure to cleaning products results in asthma in 1 in 7 people.

A large part of the Dutch population has a vitamin D deficiency>

Sin 6:Breathing Wrong
Most people breathe the wrong way, according to psychotherapist Neil Shah. Babies breathe from the belly, but this changes as we get older. We only breathe until about the middle of our lungs, so the fresh air doesn't get far enough † Not a good thing, since the blood vessels in the lower part of our lungs are located that ensure, among other things, that oxygen is absorbed into our blood.

So time to practice. When inhaling, according to Neil Shah, you should make your belly bulge and then inhale. Keep your chest completely still. Then inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Practicing this for a few minutes a day will give you great results, such as a lower blood pressure

Sin 7:Believing after dinner
Work, dinner, relax in front of the television and then go to bed. A good routine for many, but not recommended according to dietitian Claire MacEvilly. When you are no longer active after dinner, your food quickly converts into fat .

Her advice? Eat the highest calorie meal in the morning of the day instead of at dinner. Also a quick 20-minute walk after dinner is a good idea. Moreover, MacEvilly emphasizes that it is a myth that you should not eat after 8 p.m. or 9 p.m. because then you don't burn anything. Just try do something active when you ate high-calorie meals in the evening.

Read also:apples as medicine>
