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Lemon ginger syrup home remedy for colds

There is nothing better than a homemade home remedy for colds and flu. With this lemon ginger syrup home remedy for colds you will be rid of everything in no time. The syrup is ready within 25 minutes. You don't need anything except ginger, lemon and water.

The healing power of ginger

Ginger or ginger root is a strongly aromatic root that should not be missing in Asian cuisine. Besides the fact that ginger gives dishes that little bit extra, the root is particularly good for health. Historically, ginger has a long tradition of combating and alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress very effectively.

In herbal medicine, ginger is considered an excellent carminative (a substance that promotes the elimination of intestinal gases) and intestinal spasmolytic (a substance that relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract).

Modern scientific research has shown that ginger has several therapeutic properties. These include antioxidants, the ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.

For the preparation of dishes, but also for this recipe, only fresh ginger is used. That is because the healthy substances are mainly in a fresh ginger root. Unpeeled fresh ginger can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Unpeeled ginger can also be stored in the freezer, where it has a shelf life of six months.

The healing power of lemon

It is well known that lemons contain a large amount of vitamin C that can help the body in the fight against colds. In addition, lemons are full of antioxidants and can be used in the fight against cancer themselves. At the same time, the intake of lemon juice strengthens the overall immune system. This allows the body to overcome the flu more quickly.

Ingredients home remedy lemon ginger syrup

– 1.5 cups water
– 2 large lemons (zest! and juice)
– 1 cup grated fresh Ginger
– 1 cup sugar (can use less)


– Pan
– Fine-mesh sieve
– Glass bottle or jar to store the syrup

Preparation lemon ginger syrup home remedy for colds

When the 'r' is in the month again, many people will have to deal with colds and flu. You can (try to) prevent it, but if you are already ill, this home remedy offers a solution.

  1. Bring the water to a boil
  2. Add the grated lemon zest, grated ginger and sugar to the boiling water
  3. Let it cook for 15 minutes, stirring every now and then
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and add the juice of the two large lemons
  5. Sieve the mixture. so that the grated ginger and lemon zest stays behind
  6. Let the syrup cool completely and pour it into a clean (sterile) glass bottle or jar
  7. The syrup can be stored covered in the refrigerator for about 1-2 weeks

Before drinking, 1 part syrup is mixed with 4-5 parts water!

Are you curious about other home remedies? Read also natural antibiotic home remedies   and 10 home remedies for colds and flu, so that you get rid of your ailments naturally. Which home remedy for colds do you use? Or would you rather opt for conventional medication? Let me know.