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How To Heal A Wound In A Snap With Aloe Vera.

How To Heal A Wound In A Snap With Aloe Vera.

A cut, scrape, scrape, or scratch can happen fast!

Especially if you often cook, garden or hike.

But no need to rush to the pharmacy to buy a healing cream!

Fortunately, there is a super effective grandmother's remedy to heal and heal a small wound quickly.

The magic treatment is to apply aloe vera pulp directly on it . Watch:

How To Heal A Wound In A Snap With Aloe Vera.

How to

1. Collect the aloe vera pulp as explained here.

2. Apply the pulp directly to the wound.

3. Leave on for a few minutes.

4. Repeat if necessary.


There you go, you healed this little wound in the blink of an eye :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Thanks to this natural ointment, your scratch will heal quickly.

Aloe vera pulp soothes pain, but it also promotes and accelerates healing.

There will be no red marks or scars left. And you can use it all over your body:hands, feet, legs, arms and even your face.

Additional advice

It is also a very useful treatment for children who often hurt themselves.

In addition, the feeling of freshness of the pulp provides immediate relief.

Remember to disinfect the wound before using aloe vera to heal it.

This remedy works for small (less than 4 cm) shallow wounds.

In the event of an open, deep or oozing wound, consult a doctor.

Why does it work?

The pulp of aloe vera is an excellent antiseptic. Why?

Because it contains no less than 6 antiseptic agents!

Namely:lupeol, salicylic acid, urea, cinnamic acid, phenol and sulfur.

In addition, the gibberellin found in the pulp promotes and accelerates the healing of the tissues of the epidermis.

Where to find aloe vera?

You can buy aloe vera leaves in organic stores or in supermarkets like Auchan or Intermarché.

You can also buy good quality aloe vera gel which retains all the qualities of the pulp of this miraculous plant.

Your turn…

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy to treat a scratch? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!