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Liver crisis? Heal Yourself With Lettuce!

Liver crisis? Heal Yourself With Lettuce!

Who has never had a liver attack?

It's often the weekend, maybe after a little excess of chocolate and we have nothing on hand to relieve the pain.

Well, that's what we believe. Because if we have lettuce in the fridge, well we're saved!

Come on, I tell you all about the virtues of our dear green friend.

Lettuce juice soothes liver attacks

Liver crisis? Heal Yourself With Lettuce!

Have you ever noticed that salad allows you to digest well ? Lettuce has special virtues, which reduce feelings of nausea and provide energy to organs such as the liver.

How to proceed?

After washing your lettuce, cook it in a pan of water for 45 minutes , then filter.

Drink 1 cup at the end of each meal , the number of days it will take to feel better.

If you want a nice salad recipe, I recommend this one, with prawns and grapefruit.

What do you do to relieve your liver attacks? How about we compare our methods in the comments?