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The Dragon Juice:The Magic Potion To Stay In Top Shape All Winter.

The Dragon Juice:The Magic Potion To Stay In Top Shape All Winter.

"Dragon juice" is a Chinese remedy that has been used for centuries.

It strengthens the body and mind to protect us from winter ailments.

Very easy and quick to make, this natural juice is perfect for staying healthy and looking good.

What makes this dragon juice so effective?

The answer is simple:the combination of lemon, ginger and turmeric, 3 super healthy ingredients!

Here is the easy recipe for dragon juice to be in great shape all winter long . Watch:

The Dragon Juice:The Magic Potion To Stay In Top Shape All Winter.


- 5 organic lemons

- 100g fresh ginger

- 50 g of fresh turmeric

How to

1. Using a peeler, peel the ginger and turmeric.

2. Cut the ginger, turmeric and lemons into small pieces.

3. Put everything in a blender.

4. Mix until you obtain a homogeneous, fairly liquid paste.

5. Place a slotted spoon over a carafe.

6. Gently pass this paste through the skimmer, pressing lightly with a wooden spoon.

7 . Put two tablespoons of this potion in a glass.

8. Fill the rest of the glass with a little hot water.


There you go, with this homemade "dragon juice", you will stay in great shape all winter long :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Remember to drink this juice during breakfast or after lunch, so as not to "attack" your stomach.

Avoid the evening at the risk of not closing your eyes as you will have fishing!

The easiest way is to make this juice in large quantities and store it in the fridge for 10 days.

Cover the top of the carafe with cling film to protect this magic potion.

Why does it work?

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C, essential to strengthen our immune system and fight against diseases.

In addition, lemon contains flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Its content of pectin, a type of natural fibre, also improves intestinal transit.

Finally, since its taste is acidic, it is one of the most alkaline foods that exist and is therefore useful for regulating the pH of the blood.

Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory against arthritis, rheumatism, tendonitis, low back pain, etc. It alters the secretion of prostaglandins.

However, this hormone is involved in the implementation of the inflammatory process. In addition, it is particularly rich in vitamins, trace elements and mineral salts.

Also, it is perfect in case of temporary fatigue. It is also an excellent antiviral and antibacterial that helps strengthen the immune system and thus avoid the pangs of winter.

Turmeric is a root that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, which also includes ginger. Among its properties, we highlight above all its analgesic and anti-inflammatory action which can calm muscle lesions, digestive disorders and arthritis.

It also protects our cardiovascular system by lowering bad cholesterol levels.

Additional advice

- For optimal effectiveness and without side effects, consume a maximum of 2 glasses per day of this dragon juice, for 2 weeks in a row. Wait 15 days, then take another 2 weeks and so on...

- Another idea, you can include it 3 times a week in your daily diet. Always during or after eating.

- Add a pinch of cinnamon to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent fat buildup.

Your turn...

Have you tried this homemade tonic recipe? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!