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Do Better Sports to Be in Top Shape.

Do Better Sports to Be in Top Shape.

Despite hours and hours of sport, you fail to burn those damn pounds gained during the holidays?

Read our simple tips to apply before, during or after sport to get a wasp waist again!

Many think that it is enough to exert yourself without counting the cost to quickly have a dream body. But, as La Fontaine said, "there is no point in running, you have to start on time"...

Here are some rules to follow to make the sport more effective and fun.

Know your limits

The mistake we all make when starting the sport is to do too much. By dint of putting your body to the test, you cause cramps and joint pain. In reality, the main thing is to be realistic.

Doctors recommend 1h30 of exercise per week for a beginner, as well as 30 minutes of walking per day. This way, you will gradually see your resistance to exertion increase and be able to take it to the next level!

Warm up well

It is extremely important to warm up before sport to prepare your muscles for the effort and to facilitate blood circulation, especially for beginners and other regulars on the sofa. Otherwise, beware of aches!

Eating well

It is important to eat well before or during sport in order to avoid feeling tired or having a heavy stomach.

Slow sugars (rice, pasta, etc.) are your best allies, and, in the event of a slight drop in diet during exercise, I warmly recommend dried fruits or nuts. Guaranteed boost!

Monitoring your heart rate

There is an unstoppable trick to optimize fat loss:control your maximum heart rate (the beat of your heart) and try to get as close to it as possible.

The important thing, therefore, is not to spend a long time but intensely, over a short period. As everyone knows, the sprint is more fun than the marathon!

Breathe correctly

It is not enough to breathe, it is also necessary to breathe correctly. Contrary to what many think, it is not the chest that must be worked, but the belly. So we inhale and inflate the belly!

Hydrate properly

The watchword is to stay hydrated! 1% less water in the body equals 10% lost energy. So if you don't want to crash while jogging, don't be afraid to drink regularly. Water is your best ally to avoid aches!

Vary the exercises

The human body is like you and me, it quickly gets tired of repetitive things. Thus, as soon as he has become accustomed to a series of exercises, these lose their effectiveness.

It is therefore important to vary the nature of the muscular stimulation in order to continue to evolve physically. Again, it doesn't matter the quantity as long as there is quality!

Do not stay alone

The only thing that could prevent you from exercising after reading our health tips is a lack of motivation. And what better way to motivate yourself than a group of friends ready to exert themselves as much as you do?

Come on, now no more excuses, put on your shorts and sneakers, and let's go!