Looking for a grandma's cure for callused feet?
It is true that the horn under the heels is difficult to remove.
It is not very aesthetic. And if left, it can even be painful.
So, how to remove it and find soft feet?
My grandmother entrusted me with her frighteningly effective remedy for removing calluses. I entrust it to you in turn.
The trick is to take a hot foot bath to soften the skin.
Then You have to use a pumice stone and lemon to remove it. Watch:
1. Take a hot foot bath for at least 15 minutes.
2. Dry your feet thoroughly.
3. Take a pumice stone to rub the callus on the bottom of the feet and on the heels.
4. Cut a lemon in half.
5. Rub it on the horn for about 2 minutes. Repeat on the other foot.
6. Wipe your feet well.
7. Apply moisturizer.
There you go, the corn under your feet is now completely gone :-)
Easy, practical and effective to get rid of calluses!
You now know how to remove the callus under the heels effectively.... And have beautiful feet WITHOUT callus.
It's still prettier that way, isn't it?
Your feet are now as soft as a baby's!
You will quickly find impeccable feet and heels.
This treatment is a miracle cure for damaged and cracked feet.
This trick is effective in removing the callus on the soles of the feet naturally.
But it also works when you have horn on your fingers by hand.
It often happens when you do DIY, gardening or manual work.
And this natural treatment avoids having to use a manual or electric Scholl grater!
Don't forget to take a hot foot bath so that the callus is easy to remove.
And to make your foot bath which will also relax you, I recommend this tip.
Using baking soda makes you feel good. But that's not all...
It also helps you easily remove the thick callus on the heel, the dead skin on the arch of the foot and the hardness on the toes.
It's a real anti-horny footbath!
It also cleans the feet. No more black or yellow feet!
Very practical when a shoe has rubbed off on your foot...
Already it depends a lot on how you take care of your feet.
But there are also genetic predispositions to having calluses.
The callus under the feet is a reaction. Calluses develop particularly under frequently used supports.
The skin produces many more cells and under the feet, there is no peeling. The skin accumulates…
When the horn develops on the front of the foot, it is often that we have bad footwear.
Or it happens when the toes are slightly malformed. So we have shoes that are badly suited to our feet!
Do you feel pain because of this thick crust under the foot or a malformation of the toes? Visit a podiatrist or podiatrist to take care of your feet.
Be aware that some people are happy to wrap their feet in aluminum foil. It seems that aluminum foil has anti-inflammatory properties.
To have beautiful feet, they must be maintained regularly.
The beauty of the feet goes through a very pleasant little ritual!
To treat your feet in depth, nothing better than a scrub or peeling and a foot mask to remove the callus.
Next, think about hydration. Moisturizing your feet is important to fight hard skin on your feet.
You can make an ointment with argan or sweet almond oil and lemon essential oils. It will soften the heels of your feet.
Especially if they are very dry!
Find the recipe for these natural treatments here.
Taking care of your feet avoids having very dry feet and painful cracks.
And it helps to reduce the callus on the feet.
Have you tried this money-saving trick for sores on your feet? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!