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Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

Coal factories and their fumes have become a real health scourge in China .

Xiao Zhu, a Chinese company dedicated to cleaning the air, used these fumes as a backdrop to project images of frightened children's faces.

Its objective is to denounce the impact of pollution on the health of Chinese people.

In China, pollution is the cause of 500,000 deaths a year. A number whose magnitude is terrifying. The first victims are obviously the most fragile people, such as children.

Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

Children, first victims of pollution

Children in particular pay a heavy price for pollution. With each major pollution alert, they are the most likely to die from pollution-related respiratory illnesses.

As staggering as these numbers are, they are not enough for people to realize the tragedy that is unfolding, according to air purification specialist Xiao Zhu.

He therefore imagined a shock communication campaign to mobilize public opinion… and also sell his air purification solutions. Watch the video:

Smoke as a backdrop

At night, the thick clouds of smoke caused by pollution are used to project the faces of crying children, frightened, like prisoners of the fumes projected by the factories.

Called Breathe Again, this communication campaign features children, the first victims of pollution, a few tens of meters in the air.

Green laundering... or not?

Some will consider that this company flirts dangerously with greenwashing by marketing its air purifiers in this way.

The fact remains that it also seeks to raise awareness of the major challenges posed by industrial pollution, in a country where the voice of environmentalists is often censored.

Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

Chinese Are Using Factory Smoke As A Giant Screen To Denounce Pollution.

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