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11 Natural Alternatives To The Antibiotics Our Ancestors Used.

11 Natural Alternatives To The Antibiotics Our Ancestors Used.

In recent decades, the use of antibiotics has reached an all-time high.

As a result, the bacteria grow stronger faster and are increasingly resistant to new drugs created by scientists.

It is not excluded that one day bacteria will be at the top of the food chain...

But long before the invention of modern antibiotics in the 1940s, our ancestors used foods and herbal medicines to treat infections and illnesses.

So why not continue using these natural alternatives today?

Here are the 11 natural antibiotics you could use instead of medication:

11 Natural Alternatives To The Antibiotics Our Ancestors Used.

1. Oregano and oregano essential oil

You have surely used oregano to enhance your sauces and small dishes.

But did you know that oregano is also highly beneficial to your health?

On the one hand, oregano is a powerful antibacterial .

In addition, it facilitates digestion and weight loss.

Oregano essential oil contains carvacrol. This chemical compound inhibits the growth of infection-causing bacteria.

Therefore, oil of oregano is an effective treatment for digestive infections — and even candidiasis.

As you can see, oregano is much more than just an aromatic herb.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is truly a miracle product.

Among its many health benefits, apple cider vinegar has powerful antibiotic and antiseptic properties .

You can use it to alkalize your body, to control your weight, lower your cholesterol levels and even reduce the risk of cancer.

Apple cider vinegar is a chemical-FREE astringent.

Use it on the skin to disinfect and sterilize without any danger.

To discover: 11 Incredible Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar.

3. Honey

Did you know that the Romans used honey on the battlefield to heal wounds and prevent the risk of infection ?

Nowadays, many people around the world still use honey for its amazing medicinal properties.

Indeed, honey is antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

These many uses make honey one of the finest natural products known to man — and has been for millennia!

Of all honeys, New Zealand honey, manuka, has the most antioxidants and healing powers.

In addition, honey contains an enzyme that generates the production of hydrogen peroxide in your body.

This process is highly beneficial, as it helps the body fight infections and prevents the proliferation of bacteria.

Honey also soothes the digestive tract by removing toxins from your blood and aiding liver function.

To boost the health of your immune system, try mixing honey with cinnamon:its effects on white blood cells are well known.

But beware:to enjoy the benefits of honey, only use pure, 100% organic honey.

Indeed, the method of pasteurizing honey practiced in some countries eliminates its antioxidant benefits.

To discover: 12 Grandmother's Remedies Made From Honey.

4. Turmeric

This spice is not only rich in taste and color, but also protects your body against bacterial infections.

Indeed, turmeric can be used in cutaneous application:therefore, it is an excellent choice to fight bacteria .

To increase the effect of turmeric, try combining it with another natural antibacterial product.

For example, mix turmeric and honey. This makes a paste that you can apply to the affected areas of your skin.

Protecting your body against bacteria-related infections and diseases WITHOUT taking medication is possible and not that complicated.

Protect your health without using antibiotics and enjoy the benefits of natural products such as honey, oregano, garlic, echinacea and turmeric.

To discover: The 3 Therapeutic Virtues of Turmeric.

5. Garlic

Garlic is one of our favorite herbs to add to dishes.

But did you know that garlic has many health benefits?

Garlic can help you treat common illnesses such as the common cold by inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

The active ingredient in garlic is allicin.

This organic component is effective to protect your body from candidiasis, parasites and bacteria , among others.

If you are looking for a simple and preventative way to be healthy, add more garlic to your diet.

To discover: 13 Amazing Uses of Garlic You Didn't Know About.

6. Grapefruit seed oil

According to several studies, grapefruit seed oil is an effective treatment against more than 800 forms of viruses and bacteria.

It can also be used to fight against more than a hundred strains of fungal infections and several parasites.

This is because grapefruit seed oil has a high content of anti-oxidants.

Therefore, it alkalizes the body and stimulates the immune system.

Because grapefruit seed oil is beneficial to your intestinal flora, it is also known to aid digestion.

7. Echinacea

If you do not know the use of this plant, it is high time to discover it.

The effectiveness of this plant in the treatment of colds is astounding.

It reduces the number of colds you catch and reduces their duration when you have a cold.

Therefore, it is one of the best choices for preventive and curative treatment for colds.

8. Cabbage

Cabbage has sulfur compounds that are known to be effective against cancer.

But did you know that cabbage is also high in vitamin C?

In fact, just 100 g of cabbage is enough to provide 75% of your daily vitamin C intake.

Cabbage is a natural antibacterial which improves digestion, prevents disease and helps control your weight.

To integrate cabbage into your diet, we advise you to eat it raw in a salad, with a vinaigrette made from cider vinegar and honey.

9. Extra virgin coconut oil

Unfortunately, coconut oil is a little known product in France.

This is unfortunate, because we never tire of praising all the benefits of this miracle product.

Among all natural products, the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of coconut oil are unmatched.

You can use coconut oil to boost your immune system.

It allows ' act on the balance of the thyroid, regulate your cholesterol level and even stimulate your brain activity.

Coconut oil can be used internally and externally — without harm to your body.

The many and varied uses of coconut oil make it a true gift from Mother Nature.

For more energy and lucidity throughout the day, we advise you to add a teaspoon of coconut oil to your morning coffee.

To discover: 50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

10. Fermented foods

Fermented foods are beneficial to your health because they regenerate the intestinal flora , reduce the risk of cancer and fight against infections.

To reap these benefits, try adding the following products to your daily diet:pickled vegetables, kefir, and probiotic yogurts.

11. Colloidal silver

Before the development of modern antibiotics, colloidal silver was frequently used to treat disease.

Natural antibiotic , this mixture of silver nanoparticles suspended in liquid has been known for centuries.

That said, it is extremely effective at destroying an enzyme necessary for the growth of bacteria.

Without this enzyme, bacteria and viruses are eliminated — without risk to your body.

But beware: the use of colloidal silver must be temporary.

Silver is a heavy metal and can be toxic in high doses.

Consult your doctor before undergoing colloidal silver treatment.

Where to find these natural products?

Most of these natural products can be found in herbalists or organic stores.

To buy now, we recommend the following products (click on the product to access the link):

- essential oil of oregano

- cider vinegar

- manuka honey

- turmeric

- garlic capsules

- grapefruit seed oil

- echinacea capsules

- coconut oil

- colloidal silver

Warning: Antibiotics are essential for treating certain diseases and infections. Ask your doctor before choosing these alternatives.

Your turn...

And you ? Do you know of other natural products that replace antibiotics?

Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!