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A Homemade Natural Self-Tanner to Enhance Your Skin in 3 Steps.

A Homemade Natural Self-Tanner to Enhance Your Skin in 3 Steps.

You want a tanned complexion avoiding sunburn or sunburn 'UV?

Discover a natural self-tanning recipe to enhance your complexion without spending a fortune.

No need to rush for products from the supermarket.

Here is a recipe to make at home that will allow you to obtain a nice complexion only with natural products.

A Homemade Natural Self-Tanner to Enhance Your Skin in 3 Steps.


- 2 teaspoons of plain yogurt

- 1 egg yolk

- 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil

- 5 drops of carrot oil

- 1 bowl

- 1 jar (you can recover the jar of your old day cream for example)

How to

Above all, we remember to wash our hands and sterilize all our equipment.

1. Add 2 teaspoons of natural yogurt to the egg yolk.

2. Add to the mixture 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 5 drops of carrot oil.

3. Mix to obtain a homogeneous and smooth mixture.


And voila, you're done!

You have just prepared a natural self-tanner that smells super good thanks to the delicate scent of carrot oil.

And it only took you 30 seconds.

Easy and fast, right?

In addition, it costs less than a commercial self-tanner and above all, it is 100% natural.


Your self-tanner is applied like a mask . Apply it in a thin but even layer on the skin. Then let act 20 minutes and rinse.

Why does it work?

The carrot is recognized as an excellent food preparing the skin for tanning.

Its oil will give a nice amber color to our skin. A natural product, without all the chemical additives that self-tanners contain.


Be careful though, abusing it would give an orange complexion which, for once, is rather unsightly and no longer natural!

Be vigilant about storage:this homemade self-tanner can be kept for 5 days in the door of our refrigerator.

Where to find carrot oil?

You can find carrot oil in organic stores, or you can buy it online here.

Real savings

A quality self-tanner costs in the supermarket 12 € at the lowest price. It's a substantial budget, especially when you know that a bottle lasts only a fortnight to keep an even tan.

If we do the calculation over the year, this is 288 € of your monthly budgetl that fly away while self-tanning.

For this recipe, there was only carrot oil that I didn't have in my cupboards.

So I had to buy it :5 drops of carrot oil representing 0.250 ml, with these 100 ml there is enough to make 400 preparations!

Your turn...

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