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Coca-Cola, a Surprising Remedy to Soothe a Jellyfish Sting.

Coca-Cola, a Surprising Remedy to Soothe a Jellyfish Sting.

When you get stung by a jellyfish, the pain can be intense and last for very long minutes, even several hours.

The first instinct is to go to the aid station for treatment, especially if you are not feeling well.

If the pain from the sting remains moderate, a good way to alleviate it quickly is to pour Coca-Cola over it.

Coca-Cola, a Surprising Remedy to Soothe a Jellyfish Sting.

The phosphoric and carbonic acid neutralizes the venom which acts again and decreases the pain more quickly.

The advantage of this trick is that it is quite easy to find Coke at the beach.

A good way to soothe a jellyfish sting is also to pour white vinegar on it and then spread baking soda mixed with a little water.

Cover with a cloth for 15 minutes, the pain should subside.