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Bags Under the Eyes? My Kiwi Recipe To Make Them Disappear.

Bags Under the Eyes? My Kiwi Recipe To Make Them Disappear.

Hard days show in our faces.

Bags under the eyes are no longer inevitable.

Here is my kiwi recipe to say no to puffy eyes.

Last night you slept little. And the night before too. The fatigue that is repeated day after day ends up dulling your complexion and bags appear under your eyes.

The vitamin C of the kiwi, the freshness and the hydration provided by the perfect honey / natural yogurt combo will allow us to overcome it, without chemicals or foundation!

My kiwi anti-puffiness mask

Bags Under the Eyes? My Kiwi Recipe To Make Them Disappear.


- 1 natural yoghurt

- 1 kiwifruit very ripe (to facilitate its crushing)

- 4 tablespoons of liquid honey


1. I start by mash the kiwi using a fork.

2. I incorporate honey and plain yogurt.

3. Everything must be homogeneous, without pieces of kiwi . I apply it in a thick layer on my face and especially around the eyes.

4. I let it act 20 min , until the mask begins to dry. I must feel my skin pulling slightly.

5. I rinse with cold water to tighten pores and wake up my skin as if I were using a tonic.

The pockets have faded. I found a glowing mine. Plus, the cold water woke me up completely. I'm ready for a tough day, but this time with a smile and a bright face.

You can also try tea bags, our recipe for reducing bags under the eyes.

And if you don't have tea or kiwi, your fingers will be enough for an effective anti-puffiness massage. We tell you more here.

Are you going to try my miracle recipe with kiwi to put an end to bags under the eyes? Tell me everything in the comments.