Today, I am listing all the benefits of Bissap (also called Karkade).
What is this ruby red juice?
It is a powerful drink very well known in Africa.
Obtained from hibiscus flowers, this traditional drink is packed with vitamins.
Vitalising, toning, antioxidant... these many virtues make this delicious juice an essential ally for the body.
Moreover, since it has been part of my daily life, I can tell you that I am in Olympic form!
So if you too want to boost your health, drink this excellent drink (easy to make).
Discover the 7 benefits of Bissap, this hibiscus flower infusion that no one knows about. Watch:
Slack? Temporary tiredness?
Do a cure of bissap (3 cups a day for 4 weeks) as soon as you feel overworked or exhausted.
This miracle drink makes you regain tone and vitality.
Our favorite drink is rich in minerals (iron, calcium), trace elements, vitamins C, B2 and B3.
Do you know what that means?
How very energizing and above all very stimulating!
It perks you up, both physically and mentally.
For example, give it to your growing teenagers or very tired recovering people.
It stimulates their organism and makes them fitter.
So instead of running to a supermarket to buy Redbull, use this natural drink instead.
But that's not all.
Our bissap juice also restores motivation.
It is a natural antidepressant that is even prescribed in case of a little depression or despair, that is to say.
Do you suffer from hypertension? We can only advise you to drink bissap juice.
Studies have shown that this drink keeps blood pressure low.
The study emphasizes that the effects are visible in treatment.
It is necessary to drink, there too, 3 cups per day (but not more), for 4 to 6 weeks in a row.
Bissap is even more effective than a molecule called hydrochlorothiazide, widely used against hypertension.
A hibiscus infusion is therefore the natural remedy for you.
In the same register, this drink also prevents heart problems and cardiac disorders (stroke, infarction...).
Please note that hibiscus cannot be considered a medicine in itself.
Its regular consumption is nevertheless a real supplement to prevent and fight against hypertension.
If you have transit problems (difficult digestion, constipation...), the bissap is for you.
Rich in proteins, lipids and minerals, it greatly facilitates digestion.
This is due to its high trace element content.
These trace elements send good bacteria to the digestive system which helps it to work better.
The hibiscus flower is best known for being an excellent diuretic.
That is to say, it allows the bladder to drain effectively and facilitates its proper functioning in general.
This plant is also widely recommended by naturopaths to treat urinary tract infections or kidney stones.
Its properties are officially recognized by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).
It confirms that bissap is a mild laxative that cleanses the digestive system thanks to the pectin it contains.
The hibiscus flower is also recommended for people who are overweight or on a diet.
You know that there are many slimming products made from hibiscus flowers?
Our super plant indeed facilitates weight loss and prevents obesity problems.
How is it possible ? Look what this study says.
Hibiscus prevents fat accumulation while decreasing sucrose absorption.
It's scientifically proven.
The Bissap is also very low in calories which is perfect to accompany a slimming diet.
Consumed hot or cold, it contains a lot of water which also helps with elimination and drainage.
So for those who want to control their weight, you know what you have to do.
Mandatory Bissap treatment!
And yes, bissap has those kinds of benefits as well.
It is not me who says it, but this study conducted by the University of Jakarta.
To everyone's surprise, green tea is not the most antioxidant drink, but hibiscus flower is.
Because our famous juice protects against so-called free radicals.
As a reminder, free radicals are responsible for aging, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, among other things.
They are all the more present in our body with stress, pollution and cigarettes.
And because of its vitamin C content, bissap limits the damage caused by free radicals.
It prevents the development of certain diseases due to these free radicals.
Another virtue; bissap is a powerful analgesic.
For women suffering during their period, for example, bissap juice relaxes the uterine muscles.
Hibiscus juice is a great way to fight bad cholesterol and triglyceride.
Excess of these 2 lipids can have quite serious cardiac and arterial consequences.
A daily consumption of hibiscus lowers this bad cholesterol.
This drink is particularly recommended for people suffering from metabolic syndrome.
Consumption of hibiscus juice once a day prevents the risk of diabetes.
All the studies show it.
This juice helps maintain a correct blood sugar level in the blood of type 1 and 2 diabetics.
It decreases the body's resistance to insulin, which is the deficient hormone in diabetics.
I'll explain.
Glycaemia (blood sugar level), is controlled by insulin.
If insulin does not play its role well, this is where the risk of diabetes appears.
Consuming bissap regularly has favorable effects on blood sugar regulation.
Beyond the drink, the hibiscus flower is also available in powder.
It brings many benefits, especially to the skin and hair.
You probably don't know it, but a lot of anti-wrinkle creams contain hibiscus extracts.
And for good reason!
The proteins in the seeds of this flower have rare regenerative properties.
Mixed with other natural ingredients, hibiscus gives a real smoothing effect to the skin.
This flower is a real alternative to industrial cosmetics!
And it's the same for the hair.
Hisbiscus powder is a product reputed to be able to strengthen and promote hair regrowth.
It also has a very aesthetic effect by making them shine and giving them a sublime red tone.
There are many varieties of hibiscus trees.
But the one that interests us is called the hibiscus sabdariffa.
This shrub, which can reach a wingspan of 5 meters, is covered with very beautiful red flowers.
Originally from Guinea, it is found throughout West Africa.
It only grows in regions with a tropical climate.
It is also a national drink for many countries where it has different names.
The karkadé (Sudan, Egypt), agua de jamaica in Mexico, foleré in Cameroon or Zobo in Nigeria...
Bissap is used in traditional medicine, but also in herbal medicine.
Bissap (or Gwozey peyi in Creole) can be drunk hot or cold (we prefer it cold in summer for its very thirst-quenching effect).
The recipe is very simple to make as you can see here.
In all cases, the preparations are made with 1.5L of water, 100g of dried hibiscus flowers and 50g of sugar.
- In hot infusion:
Bring water to a boil and add 2 teaspoons of dried flowers per cup.
Leave to infuse for 4 to 10 minutes depending on the desired intensity.
The water then becomes bright red with a slightly tart taste.
- In cold infusion:
In a carafe, pour water and hibiscus flowers.
Stir to combine everything and put in the fridge overnight.
Cold water takes time to take on the taste of an ingredient; it takes at least 8 to 12h.
You can add cinnamon, lime or mint leaves to the preparation if you want.
All you have to do is strain the infusion and serve with ice cubes.
Consume cold, this drink is great for hydrating and quenching thirst during summer days.