I show you today what can be done with skins of kiwi fruit.
Because we eat the fruit, but what do we do with the peelings?
We throw it away, or at best we put it in the compost bin.
However, these skins are much more useful than you think, it would be a shame to throw them away.
And since I hate throwing away things that can still be used, I took an interest in these kiwi peelings.
Helped by my grandmother, I found how to reuse them without wasting them.
Here are 4 tips for using the skin of a kiwi without spoiling it . Watch:
Yes, it's simple but you had to think about it:the skin of the kiwi is edible.
You can perfectly eat the skin of the kiwi after having washed it well.
A bit like eating the fluffy skin of a peach, the same goes for a kiwi.
The kiwi therefore does not necessarily need to be peeled.
In addition, the skin is full of vitamins :A, C, E, flavonoids and omega 3.
And if you have trouble eating the skin of the kiwi, know that you can even put the whole kiwi in the smoothie blender.
Makes your morning routine a lot easier, right?
If eating the kiwi skin isn't your thing, you can use the peelings to flavor your drinks.
How? 'Or' What ? Here is my referred recipe:
I put 3 portions of kiwi peelings for 1 portion of sugar and 10 of water in a jar.
I let it ferment for about a week at room temperature.
The drink is lightly alcoholic and has a good taste of kiwi.
For a more exotic aroma, you can put a few pieces of pineapple skin.
The more you increase the dose of sugar, the more the drink will be alcoholic.
Another tip if you like arranged rum:
You can perfectly flavor your rum with kiwi, pineapple, banana skins, a little cinnamon and a vanilla pod.
Leave to macerate for 3 weeks before tasting.
This is one of the best known and most effective uses of kiwi peels.
Kiwi peel has the power to restore radiance to your skin.
And not only ! It also helps fight bags under the eyes.
How to use it ? It's very simple:
Pass the skin of the kiwi over your face in small circular movements , especially under the eyes.
Leave on for about 5 to 10 minutes and rinse with cold water.
This zero-waste mask brightens, hydrates, and smoothes skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Naturally beautiful skin is yours!
Amazing, isn't it?
If you have brown spots on your skin, especially on your hands, kiwi is there to remedy them.
How to use peel to erase dark spots?
Again, it's quick and easy.
All you have to do is pass your leftover kiwi over the dark spots, rubbing lightly.
Leave to act and dry if possible without rinsing.
If you feel like rinsing, wait at least 15 minutes for it to take effect.
Reapply as often as possible.
Why does it work?
Because the kiwi regulates the production of melanin which causes these pigmented spots on the skin.
There you go, now you know what you can do to use the skin of kiwis :-)
As we have just seen together, kiwi peelings have many unsuspected benefits and virtues.
And this is true for both yellow and green kiwis!
Finally, be aware that some animals also eat the skin of the kiwi.
This is the case with rabbits and guinea pigs.
On the other hand, it is better to avoid giving it to your dog, because it may give him diarrhea.
The same for chickens, because the kiwi skin is toxic for them.
Finally, you can also put it in small pieces and in small quantities in your vermicomposter.