Scientists are unanimous:masks are effective in protecting against the coronavirus.
Unfortunately, it is still very difficult to find masks in pharmacies or on the Internet...
Fortunately, it is quite possible to make your own mask in just a few seconds using a simple paper towel.
Here is the tutorial for making a homemade mask that was revealed by Professor Daniel Garin . Watch:
- 1 paper towel
- 2 rubber bands
- 1 stapler
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with this washing technique.
2. Then completely unfold the paper towel.
3. Fold the entire napkin lengthwise like an accordion.
4. Put a rubber band at each end.
5 . Fold the two ends of the napkin over and staple them.
There you go, you now know how to make your anti-coronavirus mask with a simple paper towel :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
To make this homemade mask, you don't even need a sewing machine, fabric or complex pattern to follow.
Even if this type of mask is obviously less effective than an FFP2 mask, it is much better than wearing nothing at all!
Indeed, this mask allows you to protect yourself from the sputters of the contaminated people around you.
Very useful for example when you go shopping in a confined space like the supermarket.
Here is what Professor Daniel Garin of the Val-de-Grâce Hospital in Paris says on the effectiveness of this homemade mask:
"The principle of this mask is not to filter the air, but simply to prevent the spread of the virus in the air through the postilions.
This mask is to be used as a screen that absorbs the droplets of sputter around you.
It thus avoids contamination, because it is completely waterproof."
Remember that this mask is not reusable and should be changed as soon as it starts to get a little damp.
Know that you can also make this mask with a paper towel. This mask will be more appropriate for children.