Tired of dry skin after washing your hands?
It's true that it feels tight and in addition it damages the skin...
This is normal, because commercial soaps contain - among other things - sodium lauryl sulphate.
This detergent attacks the skin and causes itching... Not terrible for having beautiful hands!
Fortunately, here is a recipe for 100% natural hand soap that does not dry out the skin .
Don't worry, this natural recipe is very easy to make and contains only 3 ingredients . Watch:
- Castile soap
- tea tree essential oil
- water
- pump bottle
1. Fill a pump bottle with one-third Castile soap.
2. Add 10-30 drops of tea tree essential oil.
3. Fill the rest of the bottle with tap water.
And There you go ! Your 100% natural soap that does not dry out the skin is already ready :-)
Easy, fast and natural, right?
No more itchy skin right after washing your hands and the chemicals that attack the skin!
Anyway, I love Castile soap.
Since I discovered it, I use it for many things!
Both for doing laundry and for making shower gel and shaving foam.
First of all, tea tree is a very powerful anti-bacterial, antiseptic and antifungal.
Next, Castile soap is made from olive oil so it's very soft for the hands and it cleans very well at the same time.
I, who have sensitive skin, have noticed a big difference since using this homemade hand soap.
Say goodbye to itching, irritation, dry skin or eczema...