Traditionally, VapoRub is put on the chest to help with breathing.
Very useful during a cold for example, when the bronchi are congested.
It is a product that we all recognize thanks to its very characteristic smell.
Well, it turns out that the Vicks has more than one trick up its sleeve!
The benefits of Vaporub are numerous. And there are plenty of tips for using Vicks' Vaporub:
For blood circulation, headache, muscle pain, as an anti-inflammatory, to treat a clogged ear, for the hair, on the nail or under the feet...
Be careful though because this ointment also has contraindications.
Here are 18 uses of VapoRub that everyone should know . Watch:
If you suffer from nighttime cough, massage the bottom of each foot with a little Vicks Vaporub. Then cover them with socks. Check out the trick here.
Apply and massage the muscles with the Vicks to relieve pain related to body aches.
Rub some Vicks on your forehead and temples for fast headache relief. Your headache will soon go away.
Apply a small amount of Vicks to a cotton ball and place it inside your ear to relieve pain in the ear, if it is clogged.
Apply a little Vicks to an eczema flare-up to reduce itching and inflammation.
The use of Vaporub on the face is surprising but effective. Apply Vicks to acne pimples several times a day to dry them out and make them disappear faster.
Apply a small amount of Vicks to the area as soon as you feel a cold sore is about to grow.
Apply the Vicks directly to your cut. You avoid infection and accelerate healing.
Apply Vicks to the affected area. This prevents infection and pushes the splinter out of the skin faster.
Mix the Vicks with salt and apply the mixture to the recently bruised area. This mixture encourages the resumption of blood circulation, which allows the bruise to pass more quickly.
Rub the infected toe and nail with Vicks. Repeat the operation twice a day. Because of the mycosis, the nail can start to blacken. Regularly trim your nails until the blackened area disappears.
Apply Vicks twice a day to your cracked heels and cover them with socks to activate the effect.
Apply the VapoRub on the stretch marks. You should start to see noticeable improvement after 2 weeks. Let us know in the comments if it works for you!
Put a little bit of Vicks under each nostril to create an odor barrier against unpleasant odors that you may encounter during the day (at the office, at the gym, on the subway or elsewhere...).
Some humidifiers have compartments for adding aromatic products. Add the Vicks to this compartment and turn on your humidifier. Do this before bed to help clear your nose and sleep better.
Dab some Vicks on different parts of your skin to repel mosquitoes. If bitten by a tick, apply Vicks immediately to the affected area. The smell should force the tick away.
Cats and dogs hate the smell of Vicks. So if there's any furniture your cat is scratching on, rub some Vicks on the affected area. Your cat will stay away, trust me! Check out the trick here.
If your dog tends to relieve himself around the house, rub some Vicks near where he usually marks his territory. That'll keep him away.
How to apply Vaporub?
It's very simple. All you have to do is take a little ointment and apply it to the affected area. Massage lightly if necessary to make the ointment penetrate.
You will find Vicks VapoRub in pharmacies, parapharmacies or here on the Internet.