Do you like eating apples? Golden, Granny Smith, Pink Lady, Gala, Boskoop…
Their names, their tastes, their colors are different.
But do you know what they have in common? Pesticides, according to French justice.
It all started with a report, produced by the NGO Greenpeace, entitled:"Poisoned apples - Ending pesticide contamination in orchards through organic farming".
It was released last July.
He explains that apples, especially French apples,are contaminated with many pesticides.
Faced with this unflattering report, the Association Nationale Pommes Poires (ANPP), which brings together many Norman arboriculturists, took the matter to court.
Objective: compel Greenpeace to withdraw the term "Poisoned apples".
It is true that the consumer could be a little afraid for his health...
But the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris rejected this request and agreed with Greenpeace.
In her interim order, Judge Catherine David considers that "it is not the reputation of the apple that is in question ".
She explains that it is "that of the pesticides used to grow apples, which is not objectively questionable".
Besides, apple lovers should not be taken for idiots.
The judge explains that "the consumer is endowed with reason and knows full well that if the soil and the water are contaminated, the agricultural products which grow on these soils with the help of this water are also contaminated".
And she clarifies:"To say that apples are poisoned when they grow on soil filled with pesticides is not a disparaging remark, as long as it is based on a real factual basis, even if the report is not built with scientific rigor".
In other words, yes, apples do contain pesticides .
It is indisputable. We can therefore legitimately consider (and write) that they are poisoned. CQFD!
"An apple every morning keeps the doctor away", our grandmothers used to say.
Today the opposite may be happening.
France is the champion of agriculture in Europe.
It is also distinguished by the highest level of pesticides present in the blood of French people , according to a study by the health watch institute (INVS). Sad trophy…
Americans or Germans have three times less pesticides in their blood.
So, eat apples… but organic apples !
Organic farming is a system based on respect for life and production cycles.
To benefit from an organic label, an agricultural or food product must respect a certain number of characteristics.
Thus, the use of synthetic chemicals, GMOs is excluded from this mode of production.
Organic farmers and producers also undertake to limit the use of products applied to land and crops, such as fertilizers, insecticides, etc.
The good news is that there are simple tips for removing pesticides from fruits and vegetables.
If you want to remove pesticides from your fruits and vegetables, use these effective tips here to remove as many of them as possible.