Is your skin irritated after you razor your legs?
Fortunately, there is a simple and economical solution to shave as often as necessary without damaging the skin of your pretty legs.
The trick is to use baby gel to shave your legs.
Thus, it will leave your skin very soft and incredibly smooth. Watch:
1. Spread the gel on the part to be shaved.
2. Skip the razor.
3. Rinse it.
4. Try again!
There you go, the leg skin is now perfectly soft :-)
Sweetness guaranteed! And it's even better for the razor blade, which will wear out less quickly.
Plus, it's cheaper than shaving foam and since you use a lot less of it, you save money.
Small drawbacks however, the baby gel can block the razor after it passes over the skin. It must therefore be rinsed well.
Be careful not to slip in your shower or tub, as the gel leaves the surface of the tub a little slippery.