Does foot odor bother you?
Do your feet tend to smell strong?
Bad odors are things that happen when you sweat. It's very unpleasant... for you and the others!
Fortunately, there are effective home remedies for removing bad foot odor.
Here are 4 natural tips to stop smelly feet.
Bad odors are caused by sweating and the cotton prevents the feet from getting too hot.
Avoid any other material for your socks, especially synthetic materials. This is an essential first step in order not to stink of your feet.
Baking soda is a magic powder that embeds itself in the material and makes odors disappear.
Let the baking soda in your shoes work for a few hours. And all the smells will be gone when you wear them again.
This allows you to air out one pair while you wear the other.
Bad odors are caused by humidity which remains in the shoe, which macerates and does not have time to evaporate overnight.
This is why you have to leave the shoes open in the open air for several days before putting them back. This technique dissipates odors and gives shoes time to dry completely.
So NEVER put on socks when your feet are wet and avoid walking in puddles!
Bad odors most often come from humidity, so avoiding it is also avoiding bad odors.