After cooking, hands are often impregnated with bad smells.
Whether it's garlic, onion or fish, it's never very pleasant.
Same if you used bleach.
Fortunately, here are 6 tips to get rid of those bad odors on your fingers easily:
To remove a garlic smell from your hands, the trick is to use coffee grounds. Wash your hands with it to remove the smell. You can also rub your hands underwater and against the flat of a steel blade.
To eliminate the smell of onions on the hands, use parsley. Rub parsley directly on fingers. You can also use toothpaste to say goodbye to onion smells.
To get rid of stubborn fish odors on your fingers, use salt. Take some salt or coarse salt in your hands, rub your hands with it and then wash your hands with soap.
The best way to get rid of shallot odors on your hands is to use baking soda. Wet your hands and rub your hands with a pinch of baking soda.
If you accidentally touched bleach, use vinegar water to remove the smell. And don't forget to put on gloves the next time you touch bleach!
To get rid of cigarette smells on your fingers, the best thing is to immerse your fingers in a bowl of water and lemon juice.