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Hair loss remains a taboo

Hair loss remains a taboo

No less than half of the Dutch suffer from hair loss, but most do not seek expert help and are hardly informed about the causes or possible treatments.

This is apparent from the national Hair Loss Survey among more than 1,000 Dutch men and women, which was commissioned by the Dutch Hair Foundation and the Van Montfort Laboratories, producer of hair growth serum Esthecin.

Read also: 'Unruly hair:your parents' fault'

Hair loss a nightmare for women

As many as six in ten men and a third of women suffer from hair loss. For 58 percent of women, hair loss is a nightmare. For men, that percentage is 19 percent. While it makes one in ten men feel insecure and gloomy and deal with their condition on a daily basis, it is much higher for women; one in three. One in twelve men and one in seven women prefer to keep it a secret. It is striking that no less than 87 percent do not use any means to combat hair loss. Two percent do, however, seek psychological help.


The cause of hair loss in men is largely hormonal (90%), in 10 percent it has other causes. In women, it is often caused by hormones (44%), medication (27%), age (24%), stress (4%) or 1 percent due to other causes.