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Aging of the skin:how to explain the appearance of wrinkles?

An unmistakable sign that reveals a person's age is skin, and more specifically wrinkles. Throughout our lives, our skin evolves at the same time as us through the classic periods of the evolution of a human being. Childhood, puberty, menopause, but also the environment and the way we take care of it (or not), our skin reveals more things about us than we might think.

How do wrinkles form?

A main sign of skin aging, wrinkles are an integral part of our physical evolution as human beings . And if some seem "privileged" by the genetic lottery by displaying a face very little marked by wrinkles, others have more of these marks of time. How to explain the appearance of wrinkles ?

A summer tan , pimples, an allergic reaction , having skin exposed to pollution …These events are part of life and depend on external factors – which certainly have an impact on the way the skin ages – but do not completely define the way our wrinkles form. In reality, a large part of wrinkles comes from our cellular heritage , and our facial expressions.

The first wrinkles to appear are therefore the consequence of our facial expressions such as smiling, frowning and squinting . With age, our skin tends to dry out and decreases collagen production – which ensures the elasticity of the skin.

Gestures and products recognized by science to preserve the skin


As for creams and treatments, difficult not to get lost among the huge offer that quickly overwhelmed with creams based on sometimes improbable products, under the guise of marketing strategies more or less well felt.

As often in these cases, to find your way around, it is better to focus on a few essentials of the composition of these products . In particular, we can cite four that are known to be essential in these treatments that claim to be anti-wrinkle. For example, vitamin C , which in addition to beinganti-oxidant keeps a healthy glow effect minimizing the appearance of spots.

Also, hyaluronic acid creams like those of Dr Pierre Ricaud are recommended. Naturally present in the human body, hyaluronic acid can retain more than 1000 times its weight in water, and therefore has hydrating capacities essential to slow down the appearance of wrinkles. But like collagen, its natural production decreases over time , which justifies its use in "anti-aging" creams.

Exactly, the collagen – whose role we already mentioned earlier – is added to this list. It therefore restores radiance to the skin , and offers a smoothing effect very useful for filling wrinkles. In addition, collagen is very effective in helping the skin to heal.

Aging of the skin:how to explain the appearance of wrinkles?

The right things to slow down skin aging

Skin health also involves daily actions, whose effectiveness has for years been recognized by the scientific community. Certain elements can influence the appearance of wrinkles and the appearance of the skin. Its aging being an inexorable change , we can however make sure that it goes as well as possible!

It's well known,we are what we eat . And today there is enough easily accessible information to know what is good or bad for our body in general. sugar, tobacco, alcohol are therefore to be avoided – or at least to be consumed sparingly – if you want to keep your skin in perfect health.Favor antioxidant foods and above all provide your body with a sufficiently large daily intake of water is essential!

You should also take care of your skin, for example by limiting prolonged exposure to the sun , and taking good care to put on the appropriate sunscreen – at least an index 30. Stress being an aggravating factor in the appearance of wrinkles and the degradation of skin texture, do what is necessary to relax may seem like a good option. And we don't forget sleep either, so important for health and yet so underestimated!