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International survey:three out of four people say they want to be vaccinated against Covid-19

In a recent Ipsos survey of nearly 20,000 adults in 27 countries, 74% of respondents said they were in favor of vaccination against COVID-19. In France, more than 40% of respondents expressed concern, particularly about potential side effects.

More than 150 vaccines are currently in development around the world to fight Covid-10. Among them, five have passed the phase 3 stage, the last step before applying for marketing authorization. Russia also announced on August 12 that it had developed the "first" official coronavirus vaccine, without anyone having the slightest idea of ​​its real effectiveness.

If on the laboratory side the race has been on for a few months, it remains to be seen how the world population will react to these potential vaccines. To find out, the Ipsos Institute conducted a survey of 20,000 adults from 27 countries .

Three out of four respondents in favor of the vaccine

Overall, 74% of respondents tend to think they will get vaccinated against Covid-19 when a vaccine will be available (37% strongly in favor and 37% somewhat in favor). Conversely, 26% disagreed (15% somewhat disagree and 12% strongly disagree).

The countries with the highest intention to vaccinate against Covid-19 are China (97%), Brazil (88%), Australia (88 %) and India (87%). On the other hand, those with the lowest vaccination intention are Russia (54%), Poland (56%), and Hungary (56%). France is just behind, with 59% of respondents generally in favor of vaccination against Covid-19 .

International survey:three out of four people say they want to be vaccinated against Covid-19

In all 27 countries, 59% of respondents do not think a vaccine against Covid-19 will be available before the end of 2020.

Here again, the Chinese stand out for their optimism, with 87% of respondents expecting a vaccine to be available within the year. In France, only 40% of respondents believe it. Conversely, the most skeptical are the Germans, Belgians, Japanese and Poles, among whom less than one in four adults expect a vaccine to be available in the next four months.

International survey:three out of four people say they want to be vaccinated against Covid-19

Vaccine concerns

As part of this survey, Ipsos also interviewed 5,000 adults who had no intention of getting vaccinated to try to understand why they did not. would not . In each of the 27 countries, the main reason is concern about side effects (60% of French respondents). Many will also doubt the effectiveness of such a vaccine (33% of French respondents).

The third most common reason is the perception of not being at enough risk against disease. It concerns 19% of respondents worldwide (14% in France). Finally, the last reason given is opposition to vaccines more generally . It concerns 17% of respondents worldwide, and 24% of French people.

International survey:three out of four people say they want to be vaccinated against Covid-19