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Covid-19:airports could look like gigantic casinos!

Due to the current pandemic, the face of airports is expected to change. It is about a new model characterized by an open space, without partitions where technology would take care entirely of the security and the boarding of passengers.

Redesigning airports

As the world's airports gradually resume activity, tourism is not expected to fully return until 2023. In an article published by Bloomberg on August 6, 2020, it is question of the opportunity presented by the current low airport traffic to make adjustments.

The US media interviewed Matthew Johnson, an expert helping with the renovation of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Originally, the airport followed an "X" plan, receiving travelers at a congested gate before dispatching them to their respective gates. This is a scheme widely implemented after the attacks World Trade Center terrorists in 2001.

The fact is that the current SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic requires significant changes . The objective is obviously to adapt to the conditions linked to this virus which is obviously not ready to disappear. Thus, it is necessary to redevelop the interior space of airports.

Fluidity and discretion

According to Matthew Johnson, the new model in question concerns an open space, without partitions like casinos. This model will sign the end of the security lines, because everything should be ensured by advanced technologies. This includes iris scanners and other X-rays . Above all, the new model is placed under the sign of fluidity and discretion. No physical constraints should restrict traveler access. It will even be possible to have food delivered from the waiting seats!

Covid-19:airports could look like gigantic casinos!

Furthermore, the template evokes l absence of screens and counters recording. Indeed, it is a question of the use of the smartphone throughout the process, starting from the labeling of the luggage until the registration. Thus, no need to show your passport and boarding pass since everything should be controlled via facial recognition.

Bloomberg also mentions the circulation of autonomous robots whose mission is to disinfect surfaces . These same robots could also spot people not wearing a mask. We should also mention the presence of thermal cameras capable of detecting people with an abnormal temperature.

Finally, designers have recently become interested not in the interior of airports, but in airplanes. PriestmanGoode studio worked on improving personal space , hygiene and a reduction in passenger stress.