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Covid-19:a national study on asymptomatic contamination in China

During the first half of April, China says it has recorded several thousand new cases of asymptomatic contamination. Among the latter, several hundred infected people returned from abroad. In fact, a national study is underway to measure the rate of contamination of the population.

Nine Chinese provinces concerned

The Chinese Magazine Caixin Wang published on April 16, 2020 an article about a new study currently being carried out in China. Between April 1 and April 14, China recorded 6,764 new cases of asymptomatic contamination to Covid-19. Of these, 588 cases concern people returning from abroad. It is therefore for the country to strengthen the detection, reporting and management of asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19. As a reminder, asymptomatic people are positive for coronavirus . These have no symptoms (fever, cough, etc.) but are contagious.

Thus, the Chinese government has launched a study that concerns nine provinces of the country. Among these, we find the province of Hubei where Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic, is located. Caixin Wang indicates that, in Wuhan alone, no less than 11,000 serological tests and other samples will be taken. Participants will be selected from different neighborhoods in the city's 13 districts.

Covid-19:a national study on asymptomatic contamination in China

One ​​family per neighborhood

National Epidemic Prevention Center head Ding Gangqiang explained that familieswill be the basis of the sample . According to the person concerned, this is to guarantee the representativeness of the population, the veracity and accuracy of the results. Thus, the selection of participants will each time bring together all the members of the same household. They must meet the following condition:have resided in a given district between January 1 and March 30, 2020 . In addition, the officials affirmed the inclusion in the study of outsiders who have carried out interventions in these neighborhoods. These include volunteers, security guards but also taxi drivers.

With approximately 84,000 cases for more than 4,600 deaths , the situation in China is delicate. Indeed, the fear of a second wave has been very present since the beginning of April. Let us quote 108 new cases detected on April 13 (in 24 hours), while the country had not counted so many new infections since March 5! Indeed, China had declared that it had overcome the epidemic in mid-March. In addition, the case of the P4 virology laboratory in Wuhan has caused a lot of ink to flow in recent days. Indeed, this laboratory was built as part of a partnership with France after the SARS crisis of 2003.