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Covid-19:wearing glasses could reduce the risk of infection

We tend to focus on the nose and mouth, but the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can also be transmitted through the eyes. According to a Chinese study, wearing glasses could significantly reduce the risk of infection. However, this is still speculation in the absence of quantifiable data regarding the risk of an ocular exposure route.

A lower infection rate thanks to glasses?

It is often repeated to everyone the need to wash their hands and disinfect them abundantly and frequently. One of the reasons for this is none other than touching your eyes with hands can be a transmission factor for coronavirus. Obviously, there is also the inevitable risk for the eyes concerning the projection of droplets . However, a study carried out in several Chinese hospitals and published in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology on September 16, 2020 praises the merits of wearing protective glasses.

The study in question involved 276 Covid-19 patients from Suizhou Zengdu Hospital. In this group, 16 patients (or 5.8% of the group) wore glasses regularly before their infection. The researchers found that 31.5% of the population of this Chinese region wore glasses in all circumstances for at least eight hours a day. The directors of the study then concluded that there was a very significant difference about infection rates between people who wear glasses and those who don't.

Covid-19:wearing glasses could reduce the risk of infection

Additional eye protection

Nevertheless, the study is not able to clearly state that wearing glasses is the predominant factor in this reduction in cases of infection. Nevertheless, the link established here seems very promising. Remember that goggles are mainly used to protect against splashes droplets directly on the eyes. According to the researchers, a certain type of protective eyewear could help reduce the personal risk of contamination. Obviously, further studies would be needed to establish a more formal conclusion. This could then make it possible to take measures , especially for the most vulnerable people.

Goggles and visors should not be confused, however. In August 2020, US researchers claimed that while the mask remains essential, the visor has several advantages. The latter is more comfortable to wear, does not interfere with breathing and makes the wearer less likely to touch their face. So just like glasses, the visor embodies additional protection at eye level. However, it should be remembered that there is no data quantifying the risk of eye exposure.