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CBD, to relieve the ailments of seniors

CBD, to relieve the ailments of seniors

Would you like to calm your pain, no longer have difficulty falling asleep, no longer experience temporary states of depression, regain vitality? Perhaps the solution could be found in the CBD extracted from hemp, which is increasingly offered for sale in specialized shops in France. What is CBD? And is it really legal? How does it work? As many questions as many seniors ask themselves.

What is CBD?

The cultivation of hemp (Cannabis sativa ) is highly regulated, particularly for its textile and insulating use, for which the variety must contain a rate of the THC molecule (tetrahydrocannabinol) of less than 0.2% in accordance with European regulations. The plant at the origin of the different forms of "derived" products belongs to the same genus but the contents of active substances, called "cannabinoids" vary, which makes it possible to distinguish:

  • Recreational Cannabis :its use and trafficking are prohibited in France, it is considered narcotic since its THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) level, a psychoactive molecule, is high.
  • Therapeutic Cannabis :combination of the 2 molecules THC and cannabidiol (CBD) for their therapeutic action which depends on the proportion between the two, which could be used, in addition to allopathic medicines, with strict medical support and monitoring, in a rigorous framework. The ANSM (National Agency for the Safety of Medicines) has given its agreement for an experimentation of this therapeutic cannabis on 3,000 patients suffering from pathologies such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, etc.
  • Wellness Cannabis :it is CBD, short for cannabidiol, which is one of the molecules extracted from hemp but which is not part of psychotropics, narcotics or illicit drugs, and does not lead to dependence. The plant grown to produce it must contain less than 0.2% THC but the derived product sold, itself, must be free.

In recent weeks, you may have seen new signs appear in the shopping streets of the cities you frequent, offering many cannabidiol-based products. After being banned in 2018, these shops have been able to revive since the "Kanavepe" judgment of the name of the product at the origin of the seizure of the judicial institution of the EU which rendered its decision on November 19, 2020, judging illegal the ban in France on the marketing of the CBD molecule derived from hemp since it has "no psychotropic effect or harmful effect on human health".

Faced with the legal vagueness and the confusion that can result from it, the National Assembly has launched a parliamentary fact-finding mission on the regulation and impact of the different uses of cannabis (well-being, therapeutic and recreational) with a first experiment the use of hemp in medical care (therapeutic cannabis) in the spring of 2021. The conclusions relating to cannabis well-being (CBD) should be known in mid-February 2021; those on therapeutic cannabis (on medical prescription) and recreational (decriminalization) will come out later. Behind all this, including a possible legalization of cannabis with psychotropic effects, some see an opportunity to place themselves already in an economically profitable market.

In the meantime, the judgment of the CJEU of November 19, 2020 concerning cannabidiol (CBD) should confirm the legality of CBD sales shops in France.

What are the beneficial effects of CBD for seniors?

Cannabidiol therefore does not have the stupefying effect of recreational cannabis nor the "medical" effect of therapeutic cannabis, but it brings "well-being" through its consumption in the form of infusions, honey, oils, spray, cosmetics, flowers, capsules, isolate crystals... However, with age, everyone notices it, the appearance of various ailments increases, some of which can be soothed naturally by CBD, which should not not be equated with a drug, however, since it is classified as a dietary supplement.

CBD, to relieve the ailments of seniors

CBD is credited with analgesic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Given the high consumption of benzodiazepines, antidepressants, neuroleptics and opioids (codeine, morphine, etc.) among seniors in particular, it is not surprising that they are interested in CBD to take less of it.

Physical pain and chronic inflammatory diseases intensify over time (osteoarthritis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, etc.); CBD can come to relieve in addition to drug prescriptions which can then be reduced, according to the opinion of the doctor.

stress, anxiety, anxiety , which have experienced an exponential evolution with the Covid-19 epidemic can also be attenuated by CBD, the effects of which can also be seen on sleep improved.

cardiovascular disorders and digestive, so frequent among seniors, would experience a decrease following the intake of CBD which would also have neuroprotective and antioxidant properties, making it possible to contribute to the fight against neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease…).

And then, senior or not, CBD appeals to cancer patients treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, in order to limit the side effects experienced (nausea, vomiting in particular).

In addition, CBD shops also praise the merits of their products with moisturizing cosmetic properties (cannabis seed oil), or food for omega-3 (oil, flowers, crystals…).

When shopping, prefer CBD products of natural origin rather than synthetic, mentioning the origin and, if possible, from hemp grown organically.