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3 original activities to boost morale

3 original activities to boost morale

With the arrival of winter, it is every year more than 20% of French people are in low spirits and struggling to regain their optimism. It is however necessary to be vigilant, brooding can in the long run lead to more serious pathologies such as significant stress or seasonal depression. It's decided, you want to tackle the problem head on and find a new way to approach life!

Discover the top 3 of our best original ideas for regaining steely morale. To consume without moderation...

Positive psychology for bursts of life!

Do you know positive psychology? It is a philosophy of life that presents everyday life in a whole new light. This optimistic approach focuses on the emotional balance of people and offers new perspectives. A point of honor is made to personal development and general well-being. There is no question of watering down our daily lives, but of looking at life from a new perspective. This is materialized by the regular practice of activities that can soothe or motivate us. Have fun, it's good for morale!

1. Laughter yoga:on your marks, get set, laugh!

Did you know that there is an anti-depression activity combining laughter and relaxation? Laughter yoga, created in 1995 by an Indian doctor named Madan Kataria, is tending to become more popular all over the world. Today there are more than 5,000 clubs spread across more than 116 countries! In France, laughter yoga has many followers who are already addicted to the incredible health benefits of laughter.

Did you know that there is even a French national center that provides training and workshops across the country and beyond borders? Laughter yoga consists of intentional laughter combined with traditional yoga relaxation positions. Do you know the many health benefits of laughter ? It strengthens the heart, muscles the abdominal strap, but above all releases stress and makes you happy and optimistic. Laughing sends a message to the brain responsible for releasing the hormones of happiness, such as dopamine, serotonin or endorphins. These hormones are recognized for their great virtues in the treatment of pain. Most sessions are held in groups. You know the saying:laughter is contagious. Let the wave of laughter wash over you and treat yourself to a derivative collective giggle! You would be wrong to deprive yourself of it!

2. Sing along

Singing isn't just for vocal prodigies! This activity, which is not to everyone's taste, has real liberating power. Singing indeed helps to free oneself from emotions nestled deep within oneself which are mostly negative. What happens in our body when we push the song? More than 3,000 muscles that allow good oxygenation of the brain are used especially in the respiratory zone. A delicious explosive cocktail of positive hormones is then deployed:endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin are on the menu for a feeling of well-being and incomparable pleasure.

Singing is also effective in developing cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration and attention skills. The CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) has also in a study dating from 2016 demonstrated the benefits of musical practice on Alzheimer's disease. What are you waiting for to join a singing club or choir near you? It is said that singing in a group is to breathe together and to be filled with the values ​​of sharing and listening. The effects are the same whether you sing in tune or not, don't hesitate any longer and let your voice be heard!

3. Theatrical improvisation:set the stage on fire!

Do you suffer from shyness or a loss of self-confidence? Look no further, theatrical improvisation is THE solution made for you! This very popular artistic activity has many benefits to guarantee good morale. When you go on stage, you reveal yourself naked, without mask or barrier. Theatrical improvisation, which made a strong comeback in the 1970s, helps to let go in complete benevolence and teaches risk-taking and self-transcendence. The deep personal confidence is only reinforced and the sense of the collective amplified. It's about digging deep within yourself and freeing yourself from both positive and negative emotions.

How does this materialize? It is above all a team effort. You join a troupe and all improvise together without text or preparation beforehand. It is creative work at the service of personal development. The actors wear several hats sometimes exercising the role of director, actor or screenwriter. Create a character in which you curl up blindly and without restraint and ignore modesty and judgment:everyone is equal! If you want to get out of your comfort zone by boosting your self-confidence, join a theater troupe and become the master of the game and the protagonist of your own story.

For a cure of happiness, take a break!

Did you know there's nothing like getting away from it all to get your spirits up? Discovery of new horizons, idleness and total disconnection:Wellness has thought of everything with his holiday catalog . You would be wrong to deprive yourself of it!

Now that you have regained your smile and your zest for life, why not help others in turn to feel better by doing voluntary work ? This altruistic activity offers a double advantage:helping others while filling a sweet feeling of happiness. To live happily, live together!