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Kitchen:what materials should be avoided or preferred?

Kitchen:what materials should be avoided or preferred?

As you may know, certain materials should be avoided in our kitchens, because of their harmfulness to health. Plastic, silicone, Teflon...:what should be avoided and what alternatives can be found to these materials?

Teflon coatings

Pans and molds with non-stick Teflon coating are to be avoided in our cupboards. Indeed, when they are damaged, they can release particles of iron or aluminum in the food they contain. However, these particles are harmful to health and must not be ingested.

What alternative?

The ideal is therefore to opt for pots and pans made of cast iron, stainless steel or iron. The same goes for pressure cookers, soup tureens and, overall, all containers that go on the fire, whether gas or electric.

What to do with a utensil with a damaged coating?

If the coating of one of your pans or saucepans is damaged, it is better to stop using this utensil. The same goes for cake pans.

Plastic containers

Overall, it is best to avoid plastic molds, boxes and utensils for cooking. The reason ? By heating, these can deteriorate, and some particles could come into contact with food. Important point:do not heat food or drinks in plastic in the microwave. During cooking, the diffusion of waves alters its structure.

What alternative?

We will therefore prefer stainless steel spoons for use in pans, and glass containers for storing food.

Copper pans

The risk with copper pans is that they are not tinned, that is to say prepared beforehand for first use. Without this essential step, copper oxidizes and changes color. This tint, called verdigris, is toxic:it must under no circumstances come into contact with food. Thus, copper utensils must be tinned, i.e. covered with a thin layer of tin, so that they can be used safely.

What alternative?

You don't want to use copper, even tinned? As with pans, the ideal is to turn to stainless steel or iron to choose your pans.

Silicone molds

Often considered practical because they are easy to unmold and wash, silicone cake molds are however not recommended in the kitchen. Indeed, just like plastic, by heating, silicone could deteriorate and be harmful to health. From a temperature of 200 degrees, this material could release chemical compounds that would eventually migrate into the food. Molds made of peroxidized silicone should be avoided as a priority, as they are suspected of being the most dangerous. On the other hand, those made of 100% platinum are resistant to high heat, and therefore do not present any danger.

What alternative?

For oven dishes, porcelain and glass are safe to use. They are also very resistant over the years. Stainless steel gratin dishes are also recommended, as are those in terracotta (terrines, tajines, etc.). To make your cake recipes, it is best to turn to tin or steel pastry moulds.

Aluminum foil and plastic wrap

Last materials to avoid in the kitchen:aluminum foil and plastic stretch film. The first, in contact with food, could release traces of aluminum. The second, in addition to being particularly polluting during its manufacture and non-recyclable, contains additives that can be endocrine disruptors, such as phthalates and bisphenol A.

What alternative?

To wrap a dish before putting it in the fridge or protecting it during transport, consider glass boxes, or kraft or paper bags! Similarly, a simple tea towel held by rubber bands can be used to wrap your lunch sandwich. In the fridge, protective fabric covered with beeswax called "bee's wrap", waterproof and permeable, can completely replace the plastic film. Finally, for cooking in the oven, baking paper is a very good substitute for aluminum foil, for making papillotes for example.

With this practical guide, you now know what to cook with and in what. Do you have questions about a risk related to your health? Your Wellness Mutual offers prevention actions on various topics concerning daily health.