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I messed up my eyeliner, what should I do?

I messed up my eyeliner, what should I do?

Completely failed. My two eyes are not made up the same way, I don't have time, quickly find a solution! What to do when you missed your eyeliner line? Over here girls.

Succeeding in your eyeliner line is a bit like proclaiming yourself an artist. Yes, the boys don't know it, but when you arrive at the restaurant, with sparkling doe eyes and fiery eyes, it's no coincidence. Rather the result of precision work!

What girl can honestly say she's never missed her eyeliner line? ?

"- Ah me never, I tried once, and then I immediately knew how to do it. Don't you?

- Yes, of course Pamela, and I bet you were born with stilettos on your feet too, right?"

Let's come back to our sheep, and let's admit our failures, in this case this damn line of eyeliner which is not the same on one eye than on the other. The first was perfect, just as I wanted. And then, we had to do the second...

Have You Seen Yourself With Your Black Eye?

My appointment is in an hour. The time to take my shower, brush my hair, choose my outfit and above all go through the make-up box. Tonight, I'm daring to use eyeliner to give myself a deep and intense gaze.

But I suck at this game, because I'm not used to using eyeliner. And there, of course, I again missed everything . The pretty doe took a biker in the face, it seems... to put it plainly:I have black eyes instead of twinkling eyes. I have 1/4 hour left. Help!

I add rather than remove

This critical phase is associated with the possible delay of my appointment. So it'stoo late to do it all over again. And since you can't remove everything, how about add more a little?

It may seem like a strange idea, but adding eyeshadow to soften the eyeliner gives you a smoky effect very classy.

A smoky effect? That is to say a gloomy look , as its name suggests, "smoky" is reminiscent of "smoke". That's pretty much what your makeup look looks like.

So do not use light eyeshadow because it will only accentuate the fact that "yes, I was wrong". I rather try to camouflage the line of eyeliner, and for that I need dark eye shadow. Thus, I will be able to degrade my missed line of eyeliner by a melted effect on the eyelid.

Just apply dark eyeshadow (gray or black), on the outer corner of the mobile eyelid, to lengthen the gaze. No makeup inside the eye otherwise it breaks the look. We blend well and you're done!

Doe's Eye You Say?

No more misses, here is a smoky effect perfect for going out dancing. The gaze gains in intensity and in depth . My failed line of eyeliner is no longer visible, it brings precisely the intense touch essential for a self-respecting smoky effect. Come on, I'm off, otherwise I'll end up being really late...Good evening girls!

So what do you say? Are you going to test my method? Tell me in the comments.