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5 reasons why the results are missing from training

We've all experienced it. You exercise several times a week, but it never feels like you're getting faster, stronger, or smoother. And even if all training is good training, there are some common pitfalls that can cause results to fail.

You train too hard

Sometimes it's too much of a good thing. To achieve all the positive effects of exercise and to get actual results, you need to book some rest. Train different muscle groups and have different intensity on the workouts. On days when you have a training break, you can practice active rest, for example take a walk, but make sure your body gets the rest it deserves.

You train too one-sided

The body is made to handle different activities. For example, if you only do strength training, you lose cardio and exercise training. Try to vary your training so that it also becomes more fun. Try new exercises for the same muscle groups and combine strength, mobility and fitness.

You eat too little

Trying to get stronger and lose weight at the same time doesn't go together. To build muscle you need energy and then you have to eat. If you are in a calorie deficit, your muscles will shrink during exercise and you will not get stronger.

You have bad technique

It can be so simple that you need to hone the technique to find the right muscle groups. Get help from a personal trainer who can give you personal tips based on your specific problem areas.

You have become comfortable

Doing the same workout over and over won't make you faster or stronger. You have to challenge yourself to develop. Remember that you are always stronger than you think and you can do more than what your head tells you. Try to make each workout a little heavier, run a little faster, do another rep, or stretch a little deeper. You'll feel a pep when you realize you actually have the strength and can do it!