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5 x this is why cucumber is so healthy

5 x this is why cucumber is so healthy

Today is cucumber day! The cucumber is a classic that you have probably already brightened up many a sandwich and salad. But did you already know these surprising benefits?

Wonderfully fresh on the warmer days, but actually a welcome table guest in every season:cucumber. Of course you know that it is bursting with water and that is a plus in any case. But the green cutie can do so much more.

Rich in vitamins

For example, cucumber is rich in vitamin B:great if you need a quick refresher. Much healthier than a glass of cola or the standard coffee moments to give yourself that boost.

Read also: "Half avocado left? Make an avocado mask‘

Miracle skin of cucumber

It is best to eat the skin as it is:it contains a lot of vitamin C. Not a big fan of the skin after all? Then use your slices for your eyes. Every morning for about 10 minutes a disc on both eyes reduces your bags and gives you a refreshing feeling. Keep your eyes closed and use cool, but not icy, slices directly on your skin.

Gone hangover headache!

After a night of fun, it's smart to take a bite of a cucumber before you crash in bed. During your well-deserved sleep, certain nutrients are replenished in this way, making that headache less intense the next day.

Blood pressure

Because cucumber contains a lot of fiber, potassium and magnesium, it helps to keep your blood pressure healthy. A bonus fact is that both (too) low and (too) high blood pressure can benefit from eating cucumber. So healthy for everyone! Did you know that you can easily measure your blood pressure yourself?

Healthy for the mouth

This is less known, but absolutely cool:cucumber also helps to keep your mouth healthy. Are you insecure about your breath? Place a cucumber slice in your mouth and gently press it against your gums and palate with your tongue for a minute. The vegetables clean up the bacteria that can give you bad breath for you, for free and for nothing.