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Your handbag is so dirty

Your handbag is so dirty

Dishcloths, keyboards and door handles are places where bacteria like to settle. But have you ever considered what's brewing in your handbag?

You drag your handbag from here to there. You put your bag on the floor, you throw all kinds of things in it:from money and your phone to packaging that you can't throw away right away.

Read also: '5 things that should not be missing in your spring cleaning'

Poo bacteria

It probably won't surprise you that several bacteria were found in the average handbag during a study. Among other things, the faecal bacterium E.coli and the staph bacterium were often found.


If you have good resistance, that shouldn't be a problem. Still, it's a fresh idea to shake your handbag empty regularly and also to thoroughly clean the outside every now and then. Ask the shop where you bought your bag for advice, you don't want to ruin it with too aggressive cleaning agent.

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