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Are you getting old? This is what studies say about your lifespan

Are you getting old? This is what studies say about your lifespan

You know you don't have eternal life, but how long will you actually live? Prevention listed a number of factors that can indicate a shorter life.

1. Your parents or grandparents died young
Our genes have a 25 percent influence on how long we will live, according to the author of Genetics of Health:Understand Your Genes for Better Health. Did your parents or grandparents die naturally at a young age? That could be a bad omen, but it doesn't have to be. The good news is that 75 percent of your lifespan does not depend on your genes.

2. You don't like your job
Not taking your work seriously would not have a good impact on your longevity. According to research by the Longevity Project, people who are happy to continue working live longer than those who only work for the amount on the pay stub.

3. You sit all day
We regularly see news articles and new studies that show how bad sitting is for you. It seems that older women who sit more than 10 hours a day have shorter telomeres and that would make you 8 years older biologically than a woman who sits less.

4. You have trouble lifting heavy groceries
You don't have to be or become a strength trainer, but healthy muscle strength can't hurt. There are two reasons why difficulty lifting black groceries could indicate a shorter life.

  1. People with less muscle often have more fat. Belly fat in particular has a bad influence on health.
  2. Low strength in the muscles makes you more likely to injure or fall, which can be dangerous when you're a bit older.

5. You are widowed or divorced
The fifth reason mainly applies to men. It seems that women have fewer health benefits from marriage. Men, however, would live longer if they were married.

Can you tick off the above points one by one? Do not worry. If there is one thing about which there are no guarantees, it is life. Who knows, you might outlive everyone with ease.