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More research into gender-specific healthcare

More research into gender-specific healthcare

The female body works differently than the male body. As a result, important symptoms in women are sometimes overlooked, or they receive treatment in healthcare that is more suitable for men.

In the coming years, 12 million will be invested in gender-specific healthcare. Minister Edith Schippers:'We know that there are differences, but we still know far too little about their causes and consequences.' The research should significantly improve the quality of care and quality of life for women.

Differences between men and women

  • Symptoms in women are often described as 'atypical' in physician guidelines.
  • Women are 60 percent more likely to experience side effects from drugs than men.
  • Women are 50 to 70 percent more likely to be hospitalized as a result of a side effect of medication.
  • In 8 out of 10 drugs that are withdrawn from the market in the US because of health risks, side effects in women were the cause.
  • A heart attack is often not recognized in women.
  • Total health care costs for women are higher than for men.