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Marie-Anne blog 12:'Elderly'

Marie-Anne blog 12: Elderly

Maybe my blog should be called "elder" or "senior" because those are politically correct terms. Perhaps better than 'elderly' but I think it sounds so cozy. I love the elderly.

On friends' birthdays I like to cuddle with their elderly parents with their beautiful stories and calm appearance. They often have life wisdom and a certain serenity that I like very much. My uncle Jan, who is almost 87, attends Zumba, recently took a magic course and teaches Dutch to asylum seekers. I'm not making this up. He is hardly ever home. Nothing but respect and admiration for this special man.

Unfortunately I also feel old this week and I can't wait for that at 49. At a great party, after a few refreshments, I was suddenly dancing. Well, with a glass of wine and a good painkiller you don't feel so much pain. Delicious! They won't take that away from me anymore. Now, a few days later, I have to really regret it. I can hardly walk with my broken knee. I also have a very sore shoulder. Tendonitis, or do I know much, it hurts and I feel old.

On Monday evening I attended the information evening of the clinic where I will have a total knee replacement fitted next week, with the added bonus of a new kneecap. The evening was useful, terrified me, but I also laughed. “You have to bear in mind that you cannot run after your grandchildren for the first few months.” Haha, grandchildren, my youngest daughter is 7 years old. But in the end, I get it. The average age for a new knee is 72 years and that was about right in that room. The fact that I have to wash with Dettol three days before the procedure (and also my hair on the last day), apply antibacterial ointment in my nose for three days and not shave my legs a week before the operation, does not help my self-image. to jack up. But hey, who cares. We're going against it. Bite through the sour apple (without a prosthesis), rehabilitate for quite some time and hope that no complications arise. If it all works out, I will happily run after my grandchildren in a few years!

To be continued.