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Get rid of candy at the cash registers

Get rid of candy at the cash registers

If your trolley is full of healthy groceries, you will still be tempted to buy candy at the checkout.

Temptations Everywhere
And not just at the supermarket. Candy is also available at the checkout at gas stations, the drugstore and even the hardware store.

Push checkouts
The Nutrition Center believes that this should be stopped. They call the phenomenon push-button checkouts and are starting a campaign against this today.

It doesn't stop
Withstanding one candy bar at the checkout is still possible. But we are constantly exposed to temptations. This leads to 'will exhaustion' and as a result we are more likely to make impulsive and therefore unhealthy choices.

Healthier offer
A healthy offer should be offered at the cash registers. The Nutrition Center indicates that it is not the only one who finds push-button checkouts annoying. According to a poll, 59 percent of the Dutch are annoyed by it.