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Many sick due to barbecue

Many sick due to barbecue

Be careful with barbecuing. Every year, about half a million Dutch people get sick because they have eaten rotten meat at a barbecue.

The Nutrition Center found out after a poll among more than a thousand Dutch people. According to the Nutrition Center it is therefore very important to put meat and fish in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase. to stop.

Men and the BBQ
Notable:men are more easy going than women when it comes to barbecuing. For example, they sometimes store the purchased meat in the refrigerator after more than an hour and they often use the same plate and cutlery for both raw and grilled meat

Men also almost never check whether the chicken meat has been pre-cooked. In 2006, the Nutrition Center also concluded that men are more lax when it comes to washing dishcloths. They can safely use the same cloth to dry as they do to clean the floor. Nice idea…

Another sin:highly educated men almost never use a cooler bag. Research shows that highly educated men are the least safe to barbecue † In terms of hygiene and safe handling of the barbecue, they score lower than low. Taking a course, guys?

No less than 13 percent of young people indicate that they have been sick from a barbecue † Young people between the ages of 16 and 24 seem to be most at risk.

Tips on safe barbecuing? Look at