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Strawberry Jam WITHOUT A Single Strawberry:An Ex-Industrialist Balances Everything!

Strawberry Jam WITHOUT A Single Strawberry:An Ex-Industrialist Balances Everything!

You may have heard of a book called "You Are mad to swallow that!" ?

This is the testimony of a former industrialist who reveals the underside of the food industry.

This ex-executive of the food industry is a kind of repentant.

And via a video, he throws out all the nasty little secrets of this sector. And it's not a pretty sight!

He immediately gets to the heart of the matter by denouncing strawberry jam WITHOUT a single strawberry ! Watch his testimonial:

Cheese without cheese, honey that is not...

Christophe Busset also explains how he imported honey from China, knowing that it was not honey.

According to the author of the book, who flipped his shirt after the 2013 horsemeat lasagna scandal, the turkey in the the consumer.

This one is miles away from suspecting what he really buys in supermarkets. And we're not just talking about lasagna, unfortunately.

Do you know, for example, that we make strawberry jam without strawberries, cheese without cheese and that honey is sometimes just sweet jelly?

It even seems that French mustard is made... in China!

Strawberry Jam WITHOUT A Single Strawberry:An Ex-Industrialist Balances Everything!

The race for profit

Industrialists in search of ever greater profit are not lacking in imagination.

The goal is obviously to make more money. And no matter the consequences on the health of consumers.

It is for this reason that many products are imported from Asia and processed and packaged in France.

Very practical to be able to display a French origin on the packaging...

Are you thinking of buying a cassoulet from the south-west? Think again!

According to Christophe Busset, regional designations often relate only to recipes.

The products can come from all over the world!

Serial shenanigans...

It is now known that some industrialists inflate their products with water to make them look bigger and weigh more.

A dishonest way to increase margins!

But that's not all. Some "ingredients" that have nothing to do with food are sometimes added...

Christophe Busset thus evokes crushed rat excrement mixed with spices such as chilli. Yuck!

This disgusting process makes it possible to increase the weight of products without spending more.

Some products such as tomato sauces are made with spoiled or rotten vegetables.

Again, quantity comes before quality. In an interview on RTL, Christophe Busset confirms:"Manufacturers have an interest in keeping consumers in the dark".

With this book, it's missed!

What solutions to eat better?

Strawberry Jam WITHOUT A Single Strawberry:An Ex-Industrialist Balances Everything!

Perhaps it is because of all these scandals that more and more people are turning away from supermarkets and paying attention to what they eat.

More and more of us want to change our lifestyle to have a healthier and less polluting diet.

Let's not forget:food, so important in our lives, is one of the main sources of pollution. Just like clothing and travel...

So maybe it's time to change the way we consume. It's true... it's not easy and we are afraid that it will be expensive.

Fortunately, we have selected the best tips for you to eat better without spending more:

- To eat organic without breaking the bank: 7 tips for eating cheap organic.

- To do the most things by yourself: 46 things you should stop buying and start making yourself.

- To consume less meat: the 15 foods richest in vegetable protein.

If you want to know more about the secrets of the food industry, I recommend Christophe Busset's book:"You're crazy to swallow that!".

Strawberry Jam WITHOUT A Single Strawberry:An Ex-Industrialist Balances Everything!