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Sore throat ? This Gargle Will Give You IMMEDIATE Relief.

Sore throat ? This Gargle Will Give You IMMEDIATE Relief.

Do you have a sore throat when you swallow? So what to do?

Don't let that sore throat set in and ruin your day. Treat yourself without delay with this effective grandmother's remedy!

As soon as the first symptoms appear, gargle with a glass of baking soda mixed with water.

Sore throat ? This Gargle Will Give You IMMEDIATE Relief.

How to

1. Take a glass of cold water.

2. Add a teaspoon of baking soda.

3. Mix.

4. To relieve and disinfect, add the juice of half a lemon.

5. Gargle with this mixture.


And There you go ! Your sore throat is relieved :-)

By drinking the mixture, you will be able to cure your sore throat.