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10 Surprising Uses of Honey. Don't Miss Number 9!

10 Surprising Uses of Honey. Don t Miss Number 9!

I am a hardcore honey lover.

I love honey in my tea, to spread on toast or blended into my smoothies.

The consumption of honey has a long history for thousands of years.

Today, some of the honey we consume has been heated or filtered. Thus, it no longer contains all the natural nutrients that it should.

Worse:it might not even be honey. Indeed, honey imported from China is only sugar water... and sometimes contaminated.

All this to say that local, untreated and unreworked honey is the one to be preferred. I recommend this one by the way.

10 Surprising Uses of Honey. Don t Miss Number 9!

It costs a bit more, but at least it's fresh! In addition, it tastes much better and can prevent seasonal allergies.

This sustains the beekeepers who are the last bastion of protection for the bees. Why ? Because it is the bees that pollinate our gardens and our crops.

Here are some tips that might interest you and give you a good excuse to buy honey and support beekeepers:

1. To make hair shine

Add 1 tablespoon of honey to 250 ml of hot water.

Dilute everything and coat your hair with this mixture after shampooing. No need to rinse if you have diluted everything well!

You can even use honey on your ends to prevent frizz.

2. To make a beauty mask

Mix a little honey and warm water in the palm of your hand and massage your face.

3. To fight parasites

Make yourself a drink by mixing equal parts honey, water and vinegar.

It is a well-known remedy for travelers against turista!

4. To heal a cut

Honey is a natural antimicrobial, known since the dawn of time since it has been found in ancient tombs.

So you can spread it on all your cuts, scrapes or burns.

Remember to use a clean compress to apply it. Cover the wound by spreading honey like an antibiotic cream.

Skeptical? Here is the proof. Indeed, scientists are currently using products from bees as potential antibacterial agents.

5. To get rid of acne

Apply some honey on your pimple and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse and repeat the next day.

This remedy works even better if your pimple is "ripe" (with a white tip).

10 Surprising Uses of Honey. Don t Miss Number 9!

6. For the bath

Tired of bath salts?

So, simply mix 3 tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil in your bath.

This will hydrate your skin. And besides, it smells good!

7. To fight stress

Honey has been used in India for centuries to cure nervousness.

Whether mixed in a calming herbal tea (chamomile, fennel, lavender) or with oatmeal in the morning, or taken alone, it is the essential ingredient for de-stressing.

And for everything related to digestion, it is recommended to mix lemon, ginger and honey.

8. To make a lip balm

Mix beeswax, coconut oil and honey.

Add an essential oil of your choice for fragrance.

And you get a natural lip moisturizer.

To discover: The Natural Homemade Lip Balm Recipe.

9. To fight against insomnia

You have no trouble falling asleep, but you wake up during the night?

It may be completely natural since we have different sleep cycles.

But it can also come from hormones or stress.

A little salty honey (because you need sugar and salt then) can help your hormones relax and get you back to sleep.

Take a teaspoon of this mixture to find serenity.

10. To soothe a cough and sore throat

Honey has been scientifically proven to be a more effective cough suppressant than many over-the-counter lozenges in pharmacies.

Take honey pure or mixed with a little coconut oil or lemon juice. The effects are guaranteed!

You don't have any honey? I recommend this one which is too good.

And There you go ! Now you know how to use honey outside the kitchen :-)

Your turn...

Have you tried these uses for honey? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!