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Want to Sweet Dreams Tonight? Here's how.

Want to Sweet Dreams Tonight? Here s how.

Do you want to have sweet dreams tonight?

It's true that having nightmares makes you tired and you wake up in a bad mood...

Fortunately, there is a simple trick to having sweet dreams.

The trick is to drink apple juice before going to bed. If so, try and you will see!

Want to Sweet Dreams Tonight? Here s how.

How to

1. Buy (good) apple juice. Preferably organic like this.

2. Drink at least two glasses of this juice just before going to bed.


There you go, thanks to apple juice you will have sweet dreams :-)

The more you drink, the more beautiful dreams you will have that you will remember when you wake up.

Why it works

Sound incredible? And yet it works!

Why ? Because apple juice contains a chemical substance (natural , don't worry!) that will help you make pleasant and vivid dreams come true.

You tried ? So tell us your amazing dreams in comments.