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My Natural and Radical Tip to Quickly Cure Nocturnal Otitis.

My Natural and Radical Tip to Quickly Cure Nocturnal Otitis.

Today, I propose to you to discover a tip of an efficiency surprising.

In less than half an hour, you will have cured your child caught at night from a painful ear infection.

This grandmother's remedy, which has been proven for decades, has a small name:the method of Dr. SALMANOFF.

My Natural and Radical Tip to Quickly Cure Nocturnal Otitis.

A formidably effective method

It was while talking with a friend that I discovered this natural and free method (just water and lemon). My friend and her acquaintances tried it and were amazed by the results.

This technique often results in complete healing, without the need for antibiotic treatment. You save a visit to the doctor and the medication that goes with it!

The 5 steps to follow

Most of the time, the child has an attack of otitis at the beginning of the night (between 9:30 p.m. and midnight). He screams holding his ear (or both if he's unlucky, poor thing).

Torelieve the child , and get back to bed as soon as possible, follow these 5 steps lasting a total of 30 minutes .

1. Wrap a towel soaked in very cold water around the child's neck (put lots of ice cubes in the cold water in the sink, for example).

2. Immediately afterwards, apply a washcloth soaked in warm water to the ear. at a temperature of around 40-43° (ideally use a bath thermometer to check).

3. Every 5 minutes, refresh the towel and warm up the glove soaking them again in water. Put them back on the child.

4. Repeat 4 times step 3. It will take about 20 minutes.

Even if you find that the child calms down already after 5 minutes, you still have to perform the 20 minutes of treatment for best results.

5. Finish by applying 2 drops of lemon (the fruit, no essential oil) in the sore ear.

Even if the child is better, it is better to repeat the 30-minute treatment the next day. Also remember to continue applying 2 drops of lemon in the ear for 3 days, twice a day.

This method can of course be applied to adults, but also to small babies having ear infections.

Now you know what to do at night to relieve your child who is screaming in pain!

This will give you time to make an appointment with the doctor:do not neglect this step. It is essential that a doctor examines your child.

And you, did you know this method? Were you satisfied with it? Leave us a comment to discuss it!