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Long live the start of the school year:Let's naturally boost our immune defenses before the fall!

Long live the start of the school year:Let s naturally boost our immune defenses before the fall!

Back to school, we wait for it impatiently or we dread it. In both cases, we must prepare for it.

It's the time of year when the body and mind go through the most change, so it's not to be taken lightly.

One of the good resolutions to take on this occasion is to reboost our immune defenses before the little evils of autumn.

For this, we bet everything on antioxidants.

Long live the start of the school year:Let s naturally boost our immune defenses before the fall!

1. Probiotics

As I explained to you in my article on fungal infections, probiotics are naturally present in our intestinal flora .

When we want to boost our immune system , because it is deficient or in anticipation of the evils of autumn and winter, one of the first actions will therefore be to add these famous probiotics to our diet.

I therefore encourage you to consume as much probiotic yoghurt as possible. and other dairy products. They will be the best ally of your intestines and will help you restore your intestinal flora before the big cold.

2. Vitamins

Long live the start of the school year:Let s naturally boost our immune defenses before the fall!

- Vitamin C will be your best friend to keep the peach in this comeback. It defends the body by giving it all the necessary tone to fight infections . You will find it in kiwis, citrus fruits, strawberries, cabbage, parsley or even sorrel and peppers.

- Vitamin A also fights infections . It contains a lot of antioxidants. You will eat it naturally in liver, butter, eggs, or even carrots, tomatoes or broccoli.

3. Trace elements

In the trace element family, your biggest support here will be zinc. Zinc deficiency causes stunted growth and reduced immune defense.

We are therefore also betting on him for our little back-to-school "reboost".

It also acts on the endocrine system , the breath and scarring .

You will find it in oysters, wholemeal bread, green vegetables and lentils or even white beans and dried fruits.

Bonus tip:fight autumn blues

This is not something to be taken lightly. Last year, I wrote you a little article about it. I therefore urge you to read it again and make good back-to-school resolutions now. :care for the body and mind, sport and the sun's rays must be included.