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How to Train Anywhere in 10 Minutes?

How to Train Anywhere in 10 Minutes?

The key to happiness is simple.

In fact, it boils down to a brief physical practice (10 minutes), daily and intelligent.

To convince yourself of this, take action! Here's how to train anywhere in 10 min.

Physical health changes mental health. The benefits provided by a well-conducted physical exercise expand our consciousness and create a deep harmony between us and our environment. In short, it is happiness. To reach this state, I recommend a simple, harmonious and intelligent practice with the psynetic method. Enough talk and let's go.


The psynetic method requires putting oneself in a particular state of mind. To help you do this, follow the steps below:

  • stand up, eyes closed focusing on your balance;

  • reduce your natural oscillations and stay as still as possible possibly;

  • now switch regularly from left to right, then from front to back;

  • resume a position motionless and focus on the horizon points around you, then refocus your attention on your own body.

  • open your eyes.

This conditioning lasts approximately one minute. It allows you to gradually cut ties with the outside world to focus on yourself.

Energy production

You are now ready to begin the second phase of the session. Take no time out between exercises, in order to release maximum energy.

  • walk in place one minute , raising your knees higher and higher and gradually increasing the frequency of your movements. Remember to accompany the movement with your arms;

  • perform 20 squats;

  • hold30 seconds in low squat position;

  • perform 20 crunches;

  • hold 30 seconds in the belly plank position;

This circuit lasts 4 minutes. Do it 2 times. You have the option to split each exercise in several sets if the number of repetitions or seconds is too high.

It is important to take as little recovery time as possible between exercises. It's quite hard at first, but it's the price to pay to reach this famous state of well-being and body-mind harmony. With diligent practice, you will enjoy the performance itself.

End of session

Repeat, step by step, the exercise performed at the very beginning of the session (standing position), answering this question:has my feelings changed following the exercises?

Let us know your impressions in the comments.